10: opportunities

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Fandom: Original Story

ugust was tired and hurt and… he was scared. He didn't get scared often. His hands were strapped tightly behind his back and his face was pressed against the floor. His nose stung and he could feel blood dripping out of it. Might even be broken.
But that was the least of his worries. He was surrounded by people who would love to see him dead, and now they were arguing about whether or not they should do just that. He could do nothing but wait, and try not to cry. 
Then the door slammed open, several police officers storming into the old warehouse. Normally the sight of police would be very very bad news, but now August sobbed in relief. 
There were gunshots and yelling, but he couldn't see most of what was going on. He just waited there, hoping his kidnappers wouldn't win, and his saviors wouldn't arrest him on the spot. 
There were more screams and people running away, then quiet. Someone walked up to him from behind, and pulled him to his feet. He hissed and growled at them, and they let go.
"Hey, it's okay kid. I'm not gonna hurt ya."
The ropes biting into his arms were quickly cut away. August turned around, tail bristling and ears laid flat. The police officer looked kind, and familiar. He'd arrested one of his brothers, and almost arrested him a few times.
But now he was putting bandages on his raw arms and cleaning a cut on his forehead. He has handcuffs, but didn't use them. August was confused. 
"Why are you helping me?" 
"Well. I'll be honest with you kid, I'm here for a reason… I know you, I know your family. And I've been looking for you. Never thought I'd find you like this, but I'm here to give you a second chance."
"What kind of second chance?" August said, tense and cautious.
"I've heard about you, you're smart. Best in your class, but you're throwing away your life. I have a friend, living in the next state over. He's looking for smart young people like you. You can have a fresh start. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity."
August didn't know what to say. He was scared and hurt and tired.
"Hey, hey, calm down. I'll give you a few weeks to make a decision. Just call me when you've made up your mind okay? Now get home and take it easy until you heal, okay?"
August nodded, tears filling his eyes. The events of the day finally caught up to him and he sobbed, falling to his knees. He found himself wrapped in the arms of someone he once saw as an enemy, and cried.

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