7-8: Eternity/Gateway

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I've been doing the prompts but forgot to upload them XD sorry (as if anyone actually read this but Silver)
Mashed prompts again this time

Fandom: Original Characters

Vincent had lived in this house for a very very long time. He'd been there before the paint had peeled, before the windows broke, before the floor and walls started to rot away. He wasn't completely sure why he was still here in the ruins of the house that wasn't even his. It was a good hiding place… but he could hardly walk without something breaking, and often almost falling on him. 
But where would he go? The world hadn't treated him kindly ever since he was turned so many years ago, and he had no idea what would happen to him if he came across a group of humans again… he sighed and got up from where he was sitting, brushing the dust and cobwebs away. 
He paced the house, ignoring the creaking and splintering wood. There was a soft patter of paws as one of his little housemates ran by him. 
"Aw, hello little Richard." Vincent cooed at the rat sniffing at the ground. 
He had no idea if this rat was the one he named, but he called them all Richard. It squeaked at him and scampered away. 
He walked by the empty mirror hanging in the hall, giving it a little wave even though he couldn't see himself in it. He missed his reflection. He spotted the reflection of the front door, and smiled. He would go tend to the garden as soon as it got dark enough outside.


Victoria walked through the woods, gathering herbs and flowers. She hadn't been this deep before, usually choosing to stay near her little village, but the plants around there weren't doing to great this year. She knew she was probably getting lost, but was too excited about all of the gorgeous plants and things mmshe'd never seen before to be worried. She stumbled upon a little path, paved with stones that were cracked and covered in vines and moss. It had clearly been a long time since the path was laid.
She followed it, curious. It led here deeper and deeper into the woods, the trees now blocking out most of the light. She kept following even as it grew harder to she where she stepped, and she heard wild animals calling out all around her. She watched bright yellow eyes a few times and it filled her with terror, but she still kept walking. 
It felt like she'd been walking forever when she finally spotted a touch of light ahead. She ran, pushed aside some vines and moss in the path, and ended up in a little clearing with the biggest house she'd ever seen in the middle. It was like going through a gateway into another world. The sun was almost set so not much light was coming through, but compared to the dark path it was bright as day. Instead of dark, dull plants and thorny vines, there was color everywhere. Roses and sunflowers and lilies, flowers of all kinds grew all over the clearing, growing up the sides of the house and some of the trees. It was so beautiful. 

Then the door, old as can be, creaked open. Someone walked out in a long cloak with a wide hat covering their face. They didn't seem to notice her as they started walking around the garden, watering and tending to the flowers. 

"Uh, hello? Is this your garden?" She asked, taking a step towards the strange figure.

They shrieked and dropped the tools they were holding, running back inside and slamming the door shut. 

Victoria pouted, but she was not giving up that easily… 


"She pounded on my door for three days! I thought she was insane!" Vincent laughed, fangs glinting in the firelight. "I was scared out of my skull honestly!"

"But it worked!" Victoria added, leaning against her friend. 

"You're lucky I'm not the kind of vampire that eats people."

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