9(b): Death (part 2)

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I had two ideas, so i wrote them both

Fandom: Eddsworld (Red Prince AU)

They say your life flashes before your eyes when you're about to die. Jon honestly thought is was a load of crap someone made up to sell movies, but now he was about to find out. Je was looking at the barrel of a gun pointed at his chest. He heard the trigger click and closed his eyes tightly, knowing he didn't have time to move out of the way. He prayed to whatever the heck might be up there that it would be painless and quick.
But instead of pain, he felt a body slam into his. He gasped as Tord knocked him off his feet and onto the cold ground. He grabbed onto his leader and shoved him off, his hands now soaked in blood. 
"L- leader? Oh God, TORD!" Jon flipped him over, seeing blood spread over his chest. "Oh no no no, stay with me, don't leave me, please don't leave me Tord"
He let out a choked sob, clinging to Tord's chest. 
Tord let out a gurgle and raised a bloody hand to Jon's cheek. He tried to say something, but the blood he was choking on muffled the words. Jon kept sobbing, ignoring the rest of the world until he heard a gun cocking right behind his head. 
"This is all very touching," Todd said, grinning down at Jon, his face lightly splattered with Tord's blood, "But I need to get rid of both of you. But hey, you won't be upset for long!"
Jon held his dying friend in his arms and ignored him. He didn't care that he was about to die, he was almost relieved. Tord grabbed his face, and gave him one last pained smile, one last wet, choked breath, and the he was still. Jon gasped and felt for a pulse, another sob shaking his whole body.
He was gone. 
Tord was gone.
His friend, the person who brought him out of of dark, painful house and into a life of love and acceptance, he was gone forever.
"He dead already? I think I must have hit his heart, maybe his lungs. Who knows." Todd laughed, grinning even wider when Jon looked up at him with an animalistic rage. 
Jon lunged at him right as he fired, the bullet hitting his shoulder instead of his head. He didn't seem to notice the wound now gushing blood. 
Todd cursed and tried to shoot again, but Jon held his wrist in a crushing grip, forcing him to aim at the floor. He punched Jon with his free hand, but the smaller man didn't even flinch. Something in his eyes was wrong, it wasn't human. They seemed to glow, no, to burn. 
Todd pulled away, dropping the gun. Jon just gripped his wrist harder and harder until there was a loud crack of bones breaking. He yelled in pain and finally pulled away, falling backwards onto the ground and holding his broken hand. 
Jon didn't look angry anymore. His face was completely blank as he stared down at Todd. Everything about him was just… wrong. Dangerous.


Paul and Pat ran down the hall, trying to figure out which way their leader had gone. He'd gotten a call from Jon while they were going to pick him up from one of his missions and Tord ran off without them after he heard whatever Jon had said. No explanation, just running off into whatever mess happened like usual. 
Pat was starting to freak out as they reached yet another empty room with no sign of either of their idiots. 
Paul turned to him, about to ask where they should look next, but was interrupted by a gunshot before he could even open his mouth. both of them immediately ran towards the sound, but they soon heard another gunshot, and then the worst noises they had ever heard. 
Screaming, so much screaming. A low screeching sound. 
They ran faster, but the screaming had finally stopped by the time they got to the door and broke it down.
They froze at the sight they saw. Blood everywhere. There was something that used to be a person spread out on the floor. 
Paul gagged and threw up in his mouth. There was hardly anything left of the person. 
Then they saw Tord. He'd been dragged into one of the corners, leaving a trail of his blood. 
Pat gasped and ran through the gore to check his pulse, to try and save any last spark of life left in their friend. He was dead, still warm to the touch. 
Neither of them could keep from crying. They looked at the gore all over the room, wondering if this was what was left of Jon, but they spotted a shaking, bloody form curled up that they hadn't spotted before. 
Jon was completely unresponsive, shaking and looking at his bloody hands with a blank look. 

"Oh God, Jon, are you hurt? What happened?" Paul gently shook their small friend, getting no reaction. 
They just scooped him up and carried him back to the car, leaving the blood filled room. They sent some soldiers later to pick up Tord's body. They couldn't bare touching his lifeless form. Jon didn't say anything the long ride home, but Paul sat back with him, holding him tightly to his chest and trying to calm him down. 


They didn't have a funeral. Tord hated them.
Jon never told them what happened. They never asked. 
The soldiers kept asking what was going to happen to the army now, fights started breaking out as people tried to take control of the army themselves. 
Jon heard about one of these, and spoke for the first time after the incident.

"All of you sit the fuck back down." 
Paul and Pat stood behind him as he glared at the arguing soldiers. He wasn't wearing a mask anymore. He didn't need one.
"I am the one in charge of this army now. If any of you have a problem with that, you can get over here and fight me for the position."
No one came forward. They may not have seen his face before, but they knew who he was. They knew to be scared of him.
"We have a new target. We are going to tear them apart without mercy, and then move on to anyone who dares oppose us. Any questions?"

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