6: obsession

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Fandom: Eddsworld (red prince AU)
This is an AU, and probably won't make sense make any sense to anyone sorry.
In short, Jon joins the red army under the name Red Prince.

It was just a normal mission, jon honestly couldn't remember exactly what they were doing there. But he was standing beside Tord as he was giving some kind of speech when the ground began to shake. Tord yelled something, and then the ceiling collapsed. 
Everything was smoke and dust and pain. 
Jon blacked out for a second, but when he came to he was trapped under rubble, unable to move from the waist down. He couldn't hear anyone else anymore.
His weak leg burned and stung, probably injured again. He carefully tried to pull himself out, but his leg hurt worse at even the slightest movement. 
He finally got his radio free and it was thankfully unbroken.
"Its red prince." his voice was weak from the dust and smoke "I need help, t- trapped. I think I'm injured." 
Nothing but static on the other line, but he hoped someone got his message. His eyes were starting to sting and water and he couldn't stop coughing now. He'd never been good with smoke.
He heard the sound of footsteps, and saw a silhouette through the smoke. A shape he recognized. 
"Leader! Tord! I'm down here!" He called out, abandoning all need to be quiet at the sight of his closest friend. 
He heard a small chuckle as the figure came closer. 
"Ah, there you are! Glad you didn't get completely crushed by the explosion."
Jon froze. That was not Tord's voice. This was not his leader. He struggled to try and reach his gun or one of his knives trapped under the mess with his legs but he couldn't. 
The person laughed again and leaned down to look him in the face. He had burn scars along his neck and face, and there was a crazed hunger in his eyes. 
"T- Todd?! What the hell are you doing here?" Jon glared up at the man, old memories of anger and jealousy resurfacing. "I thought you died?"
"That's what everyone thought about you, Jon." Todd laughed. 
Jon froze, immediately feeling for the mask covering his face. It was still there. 
"How did you know?" 
"Don't sound so surprised, I've been researching the Red Army for years. When a new person suddenly pops up as Red Leader's right hand man I had to know more. It took me a while, you hid your trail well. But not well enough."
Jon shuddered. The man kept looking at him with that hungry look, like a predator looks at his wounded prey. 
The phone in Todd's hands rang and he turned away from Jon to answer it. 
"Ah yes, right on time. Send them in please… oh no I didn't find the Red Leader, he got out mostly unharmed. But I have something even better." He grinned down at Jon with that hungry look again before hanging up. 
Soon several soldiers in pure black uniforms ran up. They handcuffed Jon before trying to unbury him. He struggled the whole time, biting, cursing and once trying to strangle one of them with the chain of his handcuffs. Then they pulled him and he let out a low scream. It felt like his leg was being torn in two. He immediately went limp in their arms, any movement making the pain even worse.
"Ah, here's the problem." Todd said, digging around in the rubble. "Let me just…."
Jon bit his lip as another wave of pain hit him, refusing to let out another sound of weakness. When they finally got him out of the rubble he was a shaking mess, and looking weak and pale. There was a metal rod stuck in his leg, piercing him all the way through. The last thing Jon saw before he passed out from pain and blood loss was Todd writing a little note, holding Jon's dented crown. 


"Red Leader, please sit down! You're going to reopen your wounds!"

Tord glared at the young medic pestering him. "I don't fucking care, I said I'm going to find him." 

He looked over the mess that used to be a building, there were soldiers everywhere digging through the wreckage. Paul was yelling at some solder trying to make him get off his now broken leg. Patryck was struggling to lift a large piece of a wall by himself. 
Tord went to help lift it, when he heard a shout. 
"Leader! I found something!"
All three men in the inner circle dropped what they were doing and ran (well, limped in Paul's case) over to the soldier pointing at a pool of blood. 

Tord felt his heart sink at he spotted a familiar crown sitting in the middle of it, with a note stuck to one of the points. 

'We have your little prince~'

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