14-15: Seeking Solice/Judgment

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Fandom: (original story)

Juliette trudged through dark, muddy, woods. She could easily track her targets, they were sloppy, desperate, leaving tracks and broken branches. It was easy. Simple.
She was quickly gaining on the two, she could hear their heavy breathing and the slap of their feet against mud. she could just faintly hear the pulse in their veins, it called to her, begging to be torn and spilled.
In seconds she was in the treetops instead, swiftly and silently racing ahead of the two, and then jumping down directly in their path.
They slammed into her and fell into the mud both letting out horrified screams at the sight of her. She looked down at them, the look of a hunter who cornered its prey.
It was a pretty time daemon and its mate, a lowly little imp.
"Please! We just want to be free! To be together! You don't have to do this!" The deamon cried, pushing her lover behind her.
Juliette sighed, rolling her eyes. "You know i have to. Now sit still and I'll make this quick." She reached down, wrapping her hand around the girl's throat. Was a shame really, such a beautiful thing. "The Gods have judged you unfit for our court, so you are ordered to be terminated."
"P- please!" The daemon grabbed into the arms wrapped around her neck, looking up with pleading eyes. "Don't kill her, please. She did nothing wrong"
Juliette looked at the imp sobbing and shaking behind her love. So small. Pitiful. Weak. It shouldn't be allowed to live. But...
Juliette locked eyes with the lovely creature.
"I won't harm it. Its not required for my mission." She didn't know why she said it. Normally she would jump at the chance for more blood... but now wasn't the time to think about that. She had a job to do.
The girl sobbed in relief, saying how much she loved the little imp over and over again, even as the breath left her lungs, and life left her eyes.
The imp screamed and sobbed, and Julliette left it there, dragging the beautiful daemon's lifeless body back home.

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