Chapter Five

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(A/N Here's your sexual content warning. Viewer discretion advised)

"I hate flying." I groaned as the plane shook.

"It's just a little turbulence." Daniel said nonchalantly typing away at his laptop.

The plane jerked up suddenly and his computer fell from his lap in the same instance that I grabbed his hand suddenly.

"Sorry." I gasped pulling my hand back with a blush of humiliation tinged on my cheeks. It's okay, this wasn't the worst thing I had ever done to Daniel. There were many awkward moments with us. When you spend almost every waking hour with someone, as I had since Daniel added me to four of his other up and comings, it's kind of hard not to encounter a few hiccups.

It was mostly typical things, one person bumps into the other and spills their drink on him/her, or say we both bent down at the same time and our foreheads collided painfully. There was once a time where, because we both had the same cell phone, we'd taken each other's phone home. I hadn't noticed until I opened the screen and his wife's smiling face was staring back at me, to make matters worse I couldn't remember my own cell phone number to call and let him know we'd switched. He apparently hadn't made it home as early as I had because his wife started sending, erm, interesting messages.

But that was nothing compared to the time we were chatting on the phone about business matters and when we got off the phone I automatically said "Alright, talk to you later, love you, bye." As I always say to family and close friends on the phone. I had startled myself. "I mean, I didn't mean to say that. I wasn't thinking. I don't love you. I mean, I like working for you and all, you're a great guy and everything. It's not that I don't like you. Just, not like that. I mean you're married, and I'm with Patrick and-"He'd abruptly hung up on me, sparing me from what was probably the start of a never ending rant.

But that wasn't even the worst, no, not even close. Even worse was the time that the women's room was being cleaned once and I had to go, so naturally I just went into the men's room. The assistant, Lucinda, was supposed to keep watch for me but...well... The next thing I knew I was coming out of the stall adjusting my skirt and Daniel was trying to take a leak in one of the urinals. Talk about awkward.

So my accidental touching of his hand was just another notch on the bedpost I guessed. Bedpost full of awkward moments that is.

It was weird, I was spending more time with Daniel than I was anyone else and I still don't know anything about him. Funny, I saw him more than my own mother and couldn't even consider him a friend. We were civil and polite, but when our work was done we split and didn't care to talk again until the following morning when we clocked in yet again.

I stopped hating him at least, and that was a plus since we were spending so much time together. It was painful the first few weeks where I struggled being around him because every little thing he did annoyed me. But now even though I considered him an acquaintance at best, I was at least more comfortable around him.

"It's okay Ryan. This airline has never had an accident before. Trust me." He said snapping me out of my trance.

"Then they're due." I muttered. "I'm surprised you don't have a private jet or something." I teased.

"Maybe after you convince Patrick to sign this deal we will." He winked.

The plane shook and I grabbed onto the arm rests. "I hate flying." I growled through gritted teeth.

He stacked his hand on top of mine. "We're almost there. There's always a little turbulence before the landing." He assured me.

I don't know if his hand on top of mine made me feel better or worse. When the plane landed Daniel suggested we get a drink and go over things one more time. It was a done deal already, The Benson's had seen everything we had at least a dozen times, but we had to be prepared nonetheless.

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