Chapter Thirteen

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I couldn't decide what the worst part about all of this was. Could it have been the fact that I was ruining someone's marriage? That could certainly be it. Or it could be the fact that I had hurt Patrick in all of this stupid stuff too. That's certainly awful. But oh no, the icing on the cake was probably the fact that my screw up had almost resulted in Patrick getting arrested.

It's a good thing he came from such a high profiled family. The charges were dropped before we'd even left the restaurant. Daniel had insisted he didn't want to charge any in the first place but the restaurant owners and the dozens of eye witnesses felt differently. They didn't know Patrick the way I did though.

"You would've hit him too if he was fucking your girl." Patrick said in complete calmness to the officer as he removed the cuffs from his wrists which were bound behind his back.

"Why do you think I carry this gun?" The officer said giving Daniel a cool glare.

I could see Daniel's frustration. He was fuming. He was the one who had gotten attacked and yet the officer was treating him like the criminal.

"Sorry for the inconvenience sir." The officer said to Patrick and tipped his hat.

"No inconvenience at all. Hey, you should really try the steak in there." He hitched his thumb back towards the restaurant which we were standing just in front of. "It's to die for."

"Noted." The officer nodded.

Patrick slipped the officer a business card and insisted he give him a call and that he would see to it that the whole staff was treated to dinner. Daniel rolled his eyes.

It probably looked like Patrick was trying to kiss up to the police, but I'd grown to know Patrick pretty well. Money was meaningless to him, but he knew it was not the same to others. He had no reason to cozy up with the police force in our town, not when he lived across the country. He and his father were quick to give to others, it was something they did so thoughtlessly, with no strings attached. It had gained them enormous support and they had very little trouble getting out of a tough spot because they had so many people on their side. You'd be hard pressed to find a single person who didn't like the two. Well, before tonight that is. Daniel was now that one person.

"Come on Ryan." Daniel said motioning for me to follow him.

I looked to Patrick and then to Daniel. Oh. My. God. They were both looking at me now, expectantly.

"I brought her." Patrick said his voice coming out like silk, but I knew beneath the silk laid spikes.

"I don't trust you alone with her now! You're a violent guy." Daniel said with a threatening tone.

Patrick scoffed. "I don't trust you with her. You're just a dirty old man trying to trick little girls into your bed you-"

"Hey!" I said putting a hand on each of their chests to stop them both. "Let's not make this a bigger deal than it needs to be." I suggested even though I knew it was a huge deal. The police car hadn't even pulled away yet! I could feel Patrick shaking beneath my hand.

Daniel put his hand on top of mine and I pulled it away. He looked immediately pained.

"Go home to your wife." Patrick spat, all smoothness and silk gone.

I turned to him completely and put my other hand on his chest. "Shh Patrick." He was glaring at Daniel and I knew we needed to leave. "Patrick look at me." But he didn't tear his eyes away from his prey. "Patrick please." I whispered and he finally glanced down to me. His eyes calmed immediately. "Go back to the car." I pleaded.

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