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"Absolute silence." Otticus whispers before stepping away from Genesis slowly.

"Use your senses. See if you can sense a creature in need of healing." He adds, making her nod.

She closes her eyes as she begins to concentrate.

She was no longer training in the fields with the other wolves. They were rather loud and she needed peace and quiet to trigger a spark within her.

She blocks out any sort of distraction, even Otticus. She begins to feel amd sense the territory, her spirit seeping through the land.

She then feels movement, movement coming towards her. It was a creature that was ill.

'Come' she says in her mind. 'Let me help you'

The creature begins to walk closer making her smile. The small creature began to get bigger and bigger.

It gave off authority and power to which she shrunk back in intimidation.

'Where are you hurt?' She asks the creature.

A yellow light shines towards its heart and it whimpers.

'Your heart' she whispers and it nods. 'Is it punctured?'

'It is broken' the animal replies finally. The voice sounded familiar and it shocked her, making her loose focus.

She opens her eyes, returning back to reality as she rubs her eyes from blurryness.

"How was that?" Otticus says behind her. She looks at him in happiness, smiling.

"It was amazing. I thought it was a dream." She replies. There was a presence behind her that made her body tense.

"It wasn't a dream." He smiles, gesturing his hands behind her. She turns around slowly, looking with wide eyes at the humongous wolf.

It stood proudly, looking down at her silently. She holds up her shaking hands, terrified as to what the creature would do next.

"P-Please, don't hurt me." She whispers, tears running down her cheeks.

The wolf tilts its head in confusion before bringing his head down to her face. It stared right at her with silver eyes.

Her breathing was heavy. She was terrified. Too paralysed in her own spot to move.

But then she noticed those familiar eyes as they stared at her and she gasped realisation.

This was Ezra.

Her shaky hands reach towards the sides of its snout as tears ran down her eyes. She bit her lips as the hot breath of the wolf awakened her body. She blinked back in amazement when the wolf took its tongue and licked her face, making her smile.

"Disgusting." She laughs softly, wiping her face. She pulls the wolf to meet her forehead as she blows a breath of amazement.

It was a beautiful site really, her small frame looked like a grape compared to the wolf that was ten times larger than a bean stock.

She could feel the spark, as a tiny light began to illuminate from her body, as she transferred it to the wolf. She felt his pain going away....healing.

The wolf was healed.

"Well done Genesis." Otticus says, making her smile in happiness.


"Genesis!" Cassandra exclaims, hugging her. "I have been looking for you all day."

"Really?" She asks, hugging her back. "Why?"

The King's Mate | Starkys Series #1Where stories live. Discover now