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This chapter is crappy. Just letting y'all know :(

The wetness that was applied to Genesis's cheek made her stir awake.

Instead of seeing her bed, she was met with soft silky black fur. The warmth that emitted from it made her smile, dozing slowly back to sleep.

Until the wetness splattered all over her face once again.

Her eyes snapped open to reveal Ezra in his wolf form, standing proudly in front of her. The Lycan was staring down at her with its silver eyes, making her sit up slightly.

"Uh, hi." She says groggily, rubbing the crust from her eyes. The wolf pushed at her side with his snout, wanting her to arise from the ground.

She then remembered what had happened last night. They were in the woods, on the highest peek of the largest mountain. Somewhere between looking at the moons and her mate singing in his native tongue, she fell right asleep.

The wolf pushed once more at her side and she got up, looking up at its humongous frame. It goes down on its hinges, wanting her to climb on it's back.

It was then that she had noticed. Not only did Ezra accept her, but his wolf did too. And that meant a lot to her because his wolf and him were two different beings.

She weakly gets on, holding unto its fur as tight as she could as they went off, heading back to the castle.

As soon as they had arrived, the lycan went down on all four of its legs. She climbed down slowly before looking at it.

"Genesis!" Beverly calls, walking on the bridge that led to the castle.

Genesis stared at her mate before it stood up and dashed into the woods, making her lips part in awe.

"I was so worried about you! I was looking for you the whole night." Bethany says worrisely, wrapping a blanket around her small frame. "Let's get you inside."


"Would you like to come into the village with me?" Bethany asks, handing her some tea.

"Thank you." She smiles, taking it.

"That sounds like a good idea." Cassandra says, sitting beside her friend. Genesis smiled at her pale skin friend happily. During the short spam of time, Cassandra had really warmed up to her and she was glad for that.

But what she question about her friend was if she was okay. Yes, Cassandra was the happiest of them all but her mother had died just the other day. Surely she must have had some type of sadness somewhere in her heart.

The thought made her frown. She made a mental note to speak to her about it later.

"I'd love to go." Genesis finally answers, finishing the brewing tea.

"Today is the day where you'll be learning about your surroundings Genesis." Beverly says, smiling at her.

They got out of the carriage, letting the chariot stroll away from them.

Genesis looked around in awe.

The village was beautiful. From big cottages to small, old to young, new to old fashioned. It was a sight to see.

Genesis smiled as she watched a group of children chasing each other. They looked so happy, not a single child looked sad, nor malnourished.

"Those are Alphas." Cassandra nudges her friend, indicating her to look where she was referring to. The Alpha's stood there proud, walking around as they helped with the various tasks that needed to be done. The little farm and shop workers did what they could to get by.

The King's Mate | Starkys Series #1Where stories live. Discover now