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Genesis awoke the next day.

Out all of the times that she had rested, last night was the best one. She felt protected in a pair of arms that wrapped around her all night.

But they were not there when she woke up.

"Ezra?" She says sleepily. She removed the covers, as her feet dangled at the edge of the bed.

"Yes." A deep voice says behind her.

Looking behind her, Ezra sat at the balcony looking at her in observation.

'Did he not sleep the whole night?' Genesis thought.

"Good Morning." She says softly, rubbing her eyes. "Did you not sleep?"

Her question hung in the air as he stared at her. His eyes shrunk her at its intensity. It always did.

"I do not sleep." He answers her, standing up. His tall frame made the room seem like a little pebble compared to him.

"No?" She asks curiously, standing up as well. She watched as he inhaled her scent before walking pass her. "Why?"

"I am in charge of over 40 packs. I have to fight for my pack and sustain my power and authority. I also have many things to protect. One of those include you. Nothing must happen to you, so I will not rest." He explains, looking at her with so much seriousness, it made her forget what she had asked.

"But you must be exhausted." She implies, taking a little step towards him. He breathes in before placing his hand on the door handle.

"Exhaustion means nothing when it comes to you." He says before walking out.

What he had said made Genesis smile. He might not have said it directly, but he had just proclaimed that he cared very much about her.


"Your getting better Genesis." Otticus compliments as the rabbit that was once injured hopped away happily. She had healed it.

"Thank you." She says smiling.

"You're almost to the point of mastering how to heal with your light. You need to practice how heal a species that is not a simple animal such as a rabbit."

"You mean, a werewolf in the form of a human?" She asks curiously. "I-I can't do that."

"You can. You just need to keep practicing." He reassures.

"Okay." She answers, drinking some water.

"Genesis!" Cassandra calls to her. "King Ezra has requested for you "

"Oh. Okay." She says, walking to her as they walked towards a chariot in front of the castle.

"Thank you Cassandra." He says sincerely. She nods walking away before giving Genesis a reassuring squeeze.

"You requested for me." She says once she leaves.

"Yes." He confirms, walking towards the chariot. He opens the door for her and she smiles in thanks before walking in.

"Where are we going?" She asks curiously as the chariot begins to move.

"There is something you need to see." Is all he says.


Genesis and Ezra carriage ride had finally come to a stop in front of flat squared house. It looked almost like a hospital, but this building was for a different purpose.

"Welcome my lord." A middle aged man welcomes the king.

"Good day Jackson. I have come with Genesis to see what you have found." Ezra says, stepping aside to reveal his mate.

The King's Mate | Starkys Series #1Where stories live. Discover now