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Thank you all so much for the 22k reads! I'll also like to thank you guys for the 700+ votes considering I remembered it being 250? Crazy. I love you all

This chapter is dedicated to Armani_King0 for this beautiful trailer above! I also posted it in the prologue as well. It's literally the best and I think I cried a little too much watching it :')


Fear is what seemed to fuel Genesis system for the past few days.

She hadn't been able to sleep, even if she had tried. It didn't make it better since Ezra was not around.

Ezra had been traveling from pack to pack, country to country, his rage blinding him fully. He was relentless, killing everything in it's path because of his mate's threatening.

Zidon had gone with him, just as angry as he was. He didn't have to put much effort into killing people, he only needed to use his eyes. In a way, he was just like the king. Smart, Calm, Pleasant and mean when he needs to be. It made her admire the little boy even more.

"Genesis? Did you hear what I said?" Beverly asks, placing her hand on her hips. She smiled at her slightly.

"N-No, sorry." She says softly.

"Okay, so there's only three rituals you have to do fully become Ezra's wife and queen." Beverly then began to write on the cloth with her bird feathered ink, making her sigh.

Genesis was preparing for the wedding ceremony that is to take place in two days. She was going to become Ezra's wife. She was going to be tied to him for life.

The thought alone brought Genesis happiness. It was the only thing that kept her mind off of the fact that death might be slowly approaching her life.

"The first ritual, you will clean your arms and less from impurity. Second, you will be anointed with oil. Lastly, you will exchange rings with Ezra."

"Rings? Isn't that a little simple? What if it came off?" Genesis asks, biting her lip.

"That is a bit simple now is it?" Beverly asks, chuckling softly. "No, the rings aren't able to come off once there on. It becomes attached to your skin, signifying the permanent bond between you and Ezra." Genesis eyes widen slightly as stared at her somewhat mother. Her eyes travelled towards Bev's ring hand and further into her ring finger. Surely, there was a beautiful silver ring there.

"Is that your bond ring?" She asks.

"Yes." Beverly smiles. "Even though Jeremiah is dead, we're still bonded by spirit. He visits me every night in my dreams and I can feel whenever his spirit is near."

The room was silent for a moment. Though tense, it brought the two sometime of reassurance. Genesis from her anxiety and Beverly from her reminiscence.

"Do you ever miss him?" She whispered.

"Everyday." Beverly replies, smiling. "But, I just know that I'll meet him in the spiritual realm where we can finally be happy. That's if the moon goddess allows it."

"Anyways." Beverly smiles, rubbing her shoulder slightly. Genesis admired how strong Beverly was. She was a God fearing woman who saw the brighter side to life. She didn't look on what the world was, but what it could be.

"So, while your doing your part of the ritual, Ezra will be doing his. Remember he can't touch you until after you both are done with the rituals and associating with the most important people at the ceremony."

"Why can't he touch me before then?" Genesis asks curiously.

"Because it would be disrespectful to do so. Remember you have to meet the moon goddess and other gods. Remember Genesis, this ceremony isn't just physical, It's also spiritual. By meeting these spiritual beings, they will be remembering you and have mercy upon your life and Ezra's along with your marriage." Beverly explained, happy to be able to explain this information to her.

The King's Mate | Starkys Series #1Where stories live. Discover now