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Maite beag means 'little mate' in Ireland.

"I hope I didn't leave anything." Cassandra says, searching her little pouch like bag worrisely.

"You didn't. I made sure. I double checked after you did." Genesis responds, smiling at her friend.

Genesis, and like the others, were on the ship heading to Ireland. She still couldn't believe that she was actually going to the country where her mate had grown up. It all seemed so surreal.

"Here you go my dear." Beverly appears, handing the two a cup of tea. They accepted it gratefully, sipping on the hot beverage.

"Where's Zidon?" Genesis asks her.

"He's sleeping. As soon as he found his own bed, little rookie was out like a light." Beverly chuckles.

"He's really smart for his age," Cassandra comments. "A charmer if you ask me."

"We're heading east coast." The boatswain pronounces to them and his fellow ship mates.

"Hey Beverly?" Genesis asks curiously, looking out at the horizon. "Why does Ezra choose to live in Kamoyisland than Ireland?"

"Kamoyisland is the center of the world. Ezra could easily travel from pack to pack since he's in the middle. Ireland is just his main base." She responds.

Genesis suddenly felt guilty. She didn't know that Kamoyisland was the center of the world. She felt as if she were holding him back from his duties as a king.

"I didn't know that." She whispers, looking out at the sea. She wanted the ship to turn back and let everyone who was forced to come on this ship to go home. Everyone was forced to do the unnecessary and she just sat down and let it happen.

'It's better if the krysters just have their way with me' she thought as her mood begins to dampens.

"Sharp rocks ahead. Brace for impact." The boatswain calls out to the crew, steering the ship.

"I hope this journey doesn't take as long as it did when I came." Beverly says, sipping on her tea.

"Be patient mother." Ezra voices sounds, walking towards her. "We'll arrive there soon enough."

His eyes immediately find his mate, staring at her intensely. Genesis didn't like to admit it, but she always melted whenever their eyes came in contact.

"Maite beag, come with me." He says before turning around and heading down the stairs to where she assumed he had been in for all this time.

Ezra opened a door that lead to a room, big enough to fit a family of 20. She closed the doors behind her, looking up at his huge form.

The two stared at each other in what felt like forever. Genesis didn't like how he stared at her. The way her mate's eyes seemed to intensify by each passing minute made her cower.

"You wanted me?" She asks him.

Instead of answering, he took a step towards her, taking her small hands in his big palms. The warmth made her insides tingle in delight.

Without warning, Ezra swiftly took her in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist as he sat down at the edge of the bed. Her eyes widen in surprise as he nuzzled his nose into her neck, deeply inhaling her scent.

Her back tensed at the sudden affection, placing her hands on his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around her waist tightly, rubbing his scent into her neck.

Genesis slowly relaxed once she realised what he was doing. Ezra's wolf was calming itself, seeking his mate for comfort.

Deep within, Ezra was raging. There were creatures who dared to even threaten the life of his mate. The King of Lycans. The highest above all.

The King's Mate | Starkys Series #1Where stories live. Discover now