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I could hear her voice so clear, but she couldn't hear me. I could see her, but she didn't know that.

I was in a dark place, so closed off, alone and scared. I could only pray to mother goddess that she took my life.

But, I could hear mom's voice. Genesis was calling for me. She wanted me to hang on, wanted me to stay.

"Please forgive me." She cried, her tone broken and heavy. "This is my fault."

"This is my fault!" Genesis screamed, fear and dread evident within her tone. "If I'd known-"

"But you couldn't have possibly known Genesis. You were trying to protect him, but you wouldn't have known. You were trying to protect the both of you. That's okay. Just please, don't beat yourself up."

I recognized that voice, it was Beverly.

"I put my son in danger. That's something a mother should always beat herself up about."

No. I would not allow her to feel this way. I try to move to stop her but, my body refuses to even budge.

"Trust me. I know how you feel. But, instead of sitting here and crying about it, the best you can do right now? Is be there for him. Just pray and hope that he comes to. Yeah?"

"Okay. I'll be there for him." Her voice cracked at the end, signaling that she was going to cry once again. "Can you just, please give me a minute?"

"Of course dear." Grandmother replied.

A door had closed, and the room was silent. I know mother was still there, I was just wondering what she was thinking about. I didn't like seeing her like this. It broke my heart, it made my heart ache as well as every other fibre in my body.

"Zidon." She called, her voice soft and calm. "I don't know if you can hear me, but, I love you. I love you so much. And I know you don't like to say it, but your actions show it."

I will do anything for you.

Nothing will harm you as long as I live.

"I don't know what I'd do without you. I know I must sound selfish, b-but please don't leave me. Without you, I'm just the only one here. I don't want that. I want you here by my side as I somehow try to figure out everything. And you're a fighter. So I just know, that you'll get through this. Please keep pushing son. And somehow, I'll push for you."

My heart was broken, shattered even. I promise, that as long as I live, I would never let anyone hurt my mom. Never let anyone even get the chance to touch her. She was important to me, I loved her more than my own life. Anyone that tried to even hurt her, I would make sure to make their life a living hell.

No one will hurt my whole world...

Don't worry mom, I promise to protect you and put you before all my hopes and desires. Always.

I place my hand on her head, signaling that my promise was true, even though she couldn't hear my thoughts. Drained from putting in so much energy, my hands fall off.

"Zidon?" I hear her call. I begin to loose consciousness once again, my thoughts and senses slipping by the minute. I only thing I could remember was mom putting my hand on her heart.


It was another cold night, the snow was coming down heavily, and the wind howl in the far east, signaling the storm that was sure to come.

"Is the works man back with more timber?" The wife asked her husband as she gave him a cup of tea.

"He should be here by now-"

"Sorry I took so long my Lord." The works man interrupts, stepping into the house.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you came back in such dreadful weather conditions." The wife says.

"Help me put the timber in the fire." The husband says, walking to the fireplace.

"Yes, my Lord." The works man says, helping to make the fire stronger.

"Thank you for all the help you've shown works man. It means a lot to me and my wife." The husband says once they were finished.

"I'd do anything for my masters. I will serve you until the day my time has come." The works man said, loyalty oozing from every pore of him.

"What can we do to repay you?" The husband asks. The works man was about to answer, when faint cry of a baby interrupts him.

"It's the baby, she's cold." The wife says, taking up her 2 weeks old babygirl. "it's a good thing that more timber has arrived to keep her warm."

"Bring her to the fireplace." The husband says. The wife does as told sitting in the rocking chair next to the fireplace. The husband walks towards his child kneeling beside them and giving them both a kiss.

"Come and sit with us works man." The wife bantered.

"Thank you ma'am." The works man said, smiling. "If it's not too much to ask, may I see your daughter?"

"Of course." The wife smiles. She hands the baby to the works man as the husband kissed her hand softly. Their love for each was one that could not be ignored.

"She's beautiful." The works man commented, smiling down at her.

"I give you my blessing to marry her." The husband says, watching as the works man stared at his daughter.

"My Lord-"

"You're family." The wife smiles. "This is how we repay you. With our daughter's hand in marriage."

"Just be sure to take care of her when she comes of age. Be sure to love her and that she loves you just as equal. Just as how I admired my wife with everything within me."

"I will make sure of it." The works man says, handing their daughter to them.

"Do you accept our offer?"

"I accept."

The King's Mate | Starkys Series #1Where stories live. Discover now