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Genesis gasped as the tall man walked towards the sick bay bed, groaning in pain. Blood was oozing from where his arm should have been. It filled the entire room, it now smelling of the red liquid.

It was a horrific sight to see actually.

What had happened to him?


"This is a farmer. He swung his axe near his arm and had lost one of his arms." Otticus says, placing his hand on the tall man. He looked up at her, eyeing her closely.

"You cannot use your light to heal him Genesis. You have to use your blood." He adds cautiously. She immediately stiffens, blinking rapidly.

"A-Are you going to drain me of my blood?" She asks fearfully. Her breathing began to pick up, the memory of remembering that this had happened to her before.

"We're going to test her blood. But first, we need a sample of her blood." The krysters said.

"N-No." She says shakily, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "I-I won't let you kill me!"

"No Genesis, it's not like that." Otticus says apologetically. "I'm sorry if-"

"What is the problem here?" A voice says, making her back slump against the wall in fear. She didn't dare to question how he had gotten here so fast. He went into the village to take care of pack work.

"We are unto another stage in Genesis's training. She is suppose to use a sample of her blood to heal this very serious condition." Otticus explains, gulping slightly. Genesis never understood why everyone her mate encountered with was scared of him.

"Leave." He says coldly. This made her look up at him. His silver eyes were already staring at her. She could barely see him through her tears. "I will do it."

"Yes my lord." Otticus says, walking out of the room. He gives her a small smile and he growls, making her flinch.

She felt him stoop down slowly to her on the floor, eyes staring into her golden ones. His fingers caressed her jaw, making her calm down.


"Please don't make me." She says shakily, a tear slipping down her cheek. He slowly swipes it away, making her sigh.

"I won't maité beag." He whispers softly. His voice pulled her to hug his enormous frame, hiding her face in his neck. "But I would like to see you heal this wolf with your magnificent powers."

She knew what he was doing. As much as she didn't like it, she fell for it. She gave in to his mind game.

"O-Okay." She replies, holding out her arm to him. He takes it gently, rubbing the part as to where he would inject her.

He slightly scraped it with a knife, letting the blood ooze out of her skin. Genesis gasps in fear. Not of the pain the emitted from the action, but at the sight of her blood.

Instead of it being red, it was light yellow.

The sight seemed to surprise her mate, he stared at her oozing blood like it was the most interesting thing ever. That was the reason as to why her skin was different. She didn't have normal blood.

Her blood was made for healing, and so, it had to be a different color.

"Ezra." She says to him, gesturing towards her arm. It was beginning to hurt very badly. He quickly takes the container and allows the blood to ooze into it, making her hiss.

"I am sorry." He says softly. He hated to see her in pain, it was the last thing he wanted her to feel. "It is done."

Genesis watched in awe as the inspector took the sample of her blood, rubbing it into the man. A yellow light begins to surround the place where his arm should have been. It then begins to expand into a long path, which then forms into an arm. Seconds later, the light was gone, and the man's arm had been restored.

The King's Mate | Starkys Series #1Where stories live. Discover now