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"Your telling me that, a dozen blood sucking werewolves have entered my territory and you haven't even seen one?" Ezra's lycanic voice echoes throughout the whole castle.

"I'm so sorry my lord. I ju-"

"I'm killing you first. Pray that mother goddess has mercy on you." Ezra says. Footsteps followed shortly after, indicating that he was no longer in the castle.

"Genesis, are you okay?" Cassandra asks her friend in concern. Genesis was shivering. Her thoughts were clouded and her skin was pale. If anything,

She was petrified.

"Here you go my dear." Beverly says, handing her some green tea. Genesis did not take the tea, however she stayed in her corner, knees up to her chest.

"Genesis, please say something." Cassandra pleads, tears pooling her eyes.

"Is she okay?" A soft voice calls, making Genesis snap out of her dazed form.

It was Zidon.

He stood there innocently, eyes focused on his somewhat sister in concern. He walked towards her slowly, cupping her face in his small palms.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"The Krysters," Beverly says. "They're here."

"W-What? How?" Zidon pales as well. He looks at Genesis in shock, hugging her softly.

"Its okay Genesis. We have the strongest Lycan of them all. He wouldn't let those demons come anywhere near us. We'll be safe. I know it." Zidon reassures, making tears form at Genesis eyes.

"Your really brave Zidon." Cassandra comments, wiping her tears.

"Your such a wise young man." Beverly compliments, smiling at the little boy in admiration.

"Thank you Zidon," Genesis finally speaks up, making him smile. "Thank you for being such an amazing little brother."

"Well, your the best sister." He says, as she sniffled.

"Alright Zidon, I have something I want to show you. Your gonna love it." Beverly says smiling, walking with the little boy outside.

"Genesis, you need rest. Why don't you go pick some flowers from the vineyards or sleep in master's room?" Cassandra asks softly.

Genesis looked up at her best friend. She indeed wanted to forget about the fact that her worst nightmare and past had finally caught up to her.

"I'll be back." She says simply, stepping out of her frozen position and walking out of the room.


Genesis was in the flowers fields.

Picking, smelling and admiring flowers.

It made her feel content. There was just something about how the flowers looked that made her feel at peace. Especially the sunflowers.

It was basically a representation of her. The petals were yellow and beautiful, simple and elegant on the outside. Happy she may look to some on the outside.

But in the middle of the flower, was a more darker shade of yellow. Sure, it wasn't as eye catching as the petals, but it was better. On this side of the flower, it was scarred. It represented learnt mistakes, strength, power, brokenness, healing, pain and so much more.

That's who she really was.

The inside.

What's on the inside was better than that of what was on the outside because it is on the inside, is our true selves.

The King's Mate | Starkys Series #1Where stories live. Discover now