Twenty Five

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Hi guys! Thought I'd take this time out to ask you all to please check out my new werewolf book "Double The Trouble". It would honestly mean the world to me ♡

"Ezra?" Genesis called, quickly sitting up as her blurred vision began to focus on the room she was in.

A wave of pain, shot up her spine, making her fall back immediately. She groaned in agony, tears coming to her eyes.

"Easy Genesis. Please rest your head." Beverly voice came softly. She looked over at her, her tears falling heavier now.

"Beverly." Her voice cracked, making her realise just how dry her mouth was. "E-Ezra, where's Ezra?"

"Don't worry about that right now. You need to heal. You're body is still battered and bruised from last night." She explained.

Genesis licked her lips. As usual, the emptiness that came from her sadness overcame her like darkness that covered the sun in an eclipse.

Genesis eyes roamed the grey room that somehow depicted her mood. Her body was covered with blanket after blanket, each one tightly wrapping around her body.

"Why are these here?" She asked.

"To secure your wounds. You were bleeding a lot after you blacked out yesterday. The yellow light that surrounded you was your blood. I guess it was acting as a shield to protect you." Beverly said.

"Oh my God." Genesis said silently. Now that she had actually attempted to move, her body ached excessively. It was as if someone had stabbed her body numerous times.

She slowly closed her eyes, trying to accept the fact that she could have almost died. That the one thing that came naturally to her to protect her from her enemies almost cost her her life.


Genesis felt oh so helpless. Was this how she would have to live for the rest of her life? Instead of her fighting her own battles, did she always have to live in fear? Did she always have to run from everything that threatened her existence?

It wasn't worth it.

If she always had to live her life in constant fear, then maybe she didn't want to live anymore. Maybe it was better off with her dead. But the thought of her loved ones stopped her everytime.

The love of her mate stopped her everytime. She remembered how she'd promise to never leave him, that they'd both depart together a night they spent in the pool, enjoying each other's company. She didn't even want to forget Beverly.

Beverly was so sweet to her, from the moment they met. She saw her as the mother figured she'd lost so long ago. For that, she didn't even want to leave her.

And lastly, Zidon.

A smile came to her face, but it soon vanished.

"W-Where's Zidon?" She asked shakily, getting up slowly. Images of last night slowly came to her mind.

Cassandra, Zidon getting hurt and then later on, looking completely lifeless.

"Beverly where is Zidon?!" Genesis screamed, her pain long forgotten as she dashed out of bed. Without a second thought, she ran through the door, desperately searching for her son.

She ran down the halls, the staircase and then the basement, but still, no sign of him.

'Is he dead?' Genesis thought. She immediately shook away the thought, continuing her search, ignoring the calls of her mother in law. She then stopped in front of his room, knocking on it softly.

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