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"Open your mouth aingeal." Ezra requests as he feeds her a slice of chicken. She takes the piece of chicken in her hand before placing it in her mouth.

A low growl then comes from Ezra.

The two were currently having breakfast before they start their busy day. It shocked Genesis that he had requested for her to dine with him, but she was happy for it.

"You open your mouth whenever I offer you food." He says, pulling her on his lap. Genesis flushed as her small palms made contact with his chest. He stared at her intensely, making her shrink in his hold.

"Open." He says softly. She does what he asks, chewing slowly as she looked at his intense stare. He observed her, how she ate, how she walked, talked, moved.

He observed everything about her.

But at this point, he mainly focused on her plump lips.

"Finish." She whispers, looking at his lips. She cupped his jaw, looking at his eyes. He slowly leaned in, his breath fanning her face.

She loved how he smelled like cider and oak. It was a unique smell, it brought her comfort.

Genesis desperately wanted to feel his lips on hers. She wanted to feel how soft his plump lips were against hers. Just as she was about to place her lips on his, a knock sounded on the door, breaking the trance that the two were in.

"King Ezra." Ian calls out. "You are needed in the village."

"I will be there." He says coldly, letting go of her waist. His change of behaviour left her confused.

How did he manage to switch emotions ever so quickly?

"Have a good training today, you're doing well."

He places her out of his lap with no effort. He undoubtedly had a lot of strength, and Genesis admired that most about him.

"I would like to see Zidon." She says, referring to her other type of species. He stares at her intently, making her gulp.

"Why?" He asks, his gaze seems to intensify, which makes her knees begin to shake in fear.

"I want to speak to him. Perhaps I can get some answers from him." She explains.

"But you have Cassandra." He proclaims, eyeing her closely. It was then that she realized that he wanted her to go, but not by herself.

She was able to read him for once.

"I'll make her come with me. She may not have all the questions I am looking for." She says. He gives her one last look before looking away, clenching his jaw.

"Very well." He gives in and she smiles. "But when I send for you, you must come no matter how far you've reached."

"I will, I promise." She says sincerely. He nods, about to open the door when she hugs him.

"Thank you." She adds. He looks down at her small frame, caressing her hair. He bends down to kiss the crown of her head. The action made her shiver.

"You are welcome." He says.


"You came back." Zidon says, smiling up at Genesis. His smile fades when he sees Cassandra. "And a friend."

"Wow, tough crowd." Cassandra comments. "Hi, I'm Cassandra."

"What are you?" The boy asks. "Your not a starkys."

"I am an Oracle." She replies to him.

"You see visions." He proclaims. "Gifted by the moon goddess to interpret for good."

The King's Mate | Starkys Series #1Where stories live. Discover now