7. Yuck, Toy, Affection

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1010 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own Magic Kaito...

Uwaaa~ Berry just watched Conan movie 23 on YouTube ~ so much Kaito~~~
(No subs and it looked like it was illegally filmed in the theatre so it's probably gonna be taken down soon)

Berry was having a bad week >.< but the movie and comments on stories made it a little better~

Posted August 8 2019.... What's with my cat's and waking me up near midnight?!?!

Written July 27 2019

'What this be?'

Kaito let out a few excited clicks as curious indigos looked on at the new creature that had suddenly appeared in his home. It looked like a peoples, but it also looked like him. The tail wasn't the same pretty shade as his own, but instead looked like the water, a pretty azure. He swam a few circles around it, occasionally poking it and prodding it. It was somewhat warm.

'It be foods?'

Kaito picked up the creature's arm and sank his teeth into it, he pulled back, face crinkling in disgust. He didn't like this new food, it wasn't soft like the normal yummy stuff the peoples gave him. He liked the yummies that just melted in his mouth, not whatever this was. He looked past the clear wall and let out a distressed trill when he saw no peoples, if there'd been peoples he could have thrown this yuck at them. He especially liked throwing yuck at the blond peoples, though he hadn't seen the blond peoples in a while.

'The yuck warm like foods... But it yuck!'

Kaito knew not to eat things that were not warm, the peoples always made sure his food had at least a little warmth. It stopped him from trying to eat his new toys.

'Yuck not yuck but toy?'

An excited grin crossed over his face as Kaito made a few happy trills. The peoples hadn't changed his yummies into yuck! They'd just given him a new toy instead. He grabbed the toy's arm and began to swim around, the toy limply trailing behind him, occasionally hitting the aquatic foliage. He liked dragging things around, it was like the toy was chasing after him.

'Chase! Chase!'


'Kudo do not speak, this is a pre-sent message; I'm grateful for you deciding to try to help Kaito. The spell cast upon him became permanent when he was left alone, hopefully with interaction from someone like himself, he will regain his true sense of self... I didn't have the means to do this until recently... This is the last time you'll hear from me. Granting youth is a forbidden practice and thus I am no longer alive'

Shinichi felt weird, he could feel the coolness of water all around him but he also felt like he was being dragged. A sudden pain in his head caused Azure eyes to snap open. The sleuth was met with eyes the most vibrant shade of indigo that he'd ever seen.

'Is this Ki— Kaito?'

The creature he assumed was his old rival was hovering over him, a shocked expression plastered across his face. Shinichi immediately spotted the similarity between their faces, there was no doubt that this was Kaitou Kid unmasked.

"Toy moved!" The sudden exclamation startled Shinichi, causing him to let out some sort of chirping sound. He blinked at the sound.

"Toy?" He asked, it was odd how their voices sounded the same to him despite being underwater.

Indigos widened even further as Kaito's jaw dropped in shock, Shinichi absentmindedly noted how Kaito's teeth were slightly more sharper than a human's teeth. "Toy made words!" Kaito's voice was a happy trill as he suddenly lunges at Shinichi, trapping the other in a tight hug "Love toy!" Kaito purred as he nuzzled the blushing detective's chest. "Make more words!"

'Oh my god... Is he being serious?'

"Kaito I'm not a toy" Shinichi replied, trying to squirm out of the other's grasp. He failed horribly since the other was more used to their body. "Please let go of me" He pleaded.

Kaito paused and blinked up at him in confusion. "Kaito toy?" He frowned, he didn't want to be a toy, toys were what the peoples gave him.

"No, we are not toys" Shinichi breathed, a small pain budding in his chest at the interaction. It hurt to see the former Kaitou Kid like this. "I Shinichi" He pointed towards himself "You Kaito" He finished, pointing towards the other.

'He's so different...'

"Shinichi be yuck?" Kaito asked, wrapping his arms around the other's shoulders and nuzzling his cheek. Kaito loved contact, especially snuggles, he really missed snuggles and this Shinichi didn't seem to be hurt and need to leave like the peoples did.

"Yuck?" The sleuth narrowed his eyes in confusion, it was hard to understand this new Ki— Kaito.

"Yuck" Kaito affirmed with a nod as he took Shinichi's arm and met his Azure gaze. Shinichi raised a brow in confusion before flinching back in pain when Kaito suddenly bit him. "Shinichi yuck" Kaito grimaced.

"Ow!" Shinichi yelped, clasping the injury with a hand. He then noticed a similar mark on his other arm.

'Did he?... Did he try to eat me?!'

Azure eyes gave Kaito an incredulous look, he hadn't expected that. "Same" Shinichi replied pointing back and forth between himself and Kaito.


'I like! Words fun!'

"Not toy, not yuck, not yummies" Kaito answered, eyes lighting up in realization. He could have real games of chase! This Shinichi could swim like him.

"Good—ack!" Shinichi's response was cut off when Kaito once again snuggled into his chest, he scowled in annoyance. "Stop that!" He growled, shoving Kaito away, the former thief was way too touchy for his liking.

'Nooo! Been so long! Want snuggles!'

"Please!" The soft pleasing tone shocked Shinichi, it could have almost been classified as a cry. "Peoples won't snuggle, only pets..." Shinichi's heart broke at the pleading tone.

"Fine, I'll give you a good hug" Shinichi soothed as he caught a stunned Kaito into a hug. His eyes stung a bit as he ran his fingers through Kaito's hair and listened to the content trills. Kaito was a physical person who'd been deprived of the contact he'd needed.

'So happy! Happy! Happy! Happy!'

Kaito had missed this, though he didn't really understand how, but he did. He just knew that the peoples always refused his attempts at further affections beyond pets unless forced upon them. The snuggles from the Shinichi were nice, and made him feel happy.

Me: Kaito is a very physical person... but he's been deprived of that important piece of him for decades...

This was a happy chapter... Why does Berry feel a little conflicted when writing it?

Next week you get a chappy AND an Omake~

Omake will NOT replace a normal scheduled update~ And is CONNECTED  to MAIN PLOT

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