15. Learning

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1004 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own DC/MK~

Written September 9 2019
Posted October 3 2019

Kaito let out a low but happy trill as he leaned into the other mer's warmth, he just couldn't get enough of hugging Shinichi. He also wasn't going to waste opportunities with the other like he had with the blond. A small frown made its way onto his lips "Are you going to die one day too?" He inquired, giving Shinichi a squeeze. He didn't want Shinichi to die, because then he'd be left all alone.

Azure softened as Shinichi gently carded his fingers through the younger's hair "Only if something really bad happens" He pulled away to meet Kaito's gaze with his own "Other than that we can't die from old age like humans" He breathed.

'Old age?'

Kait blinked in confusion, not really knowing what the other meant "What do you mean by old age?" He asked, perplexed.

The other was silent for a moment before responding "Do you remember how Hakuba and the other humans seemed to look different after a while?" At Kaito's silent nod he continued "Well that was because they were getting older. Humans and other creatures can only live for a certain amount of time before dying"

Indigos narrowed "But not us?" He asked, taking note that the other hadn't included them in his explanation.

Shinichi smirked "Right, we're special and we will never age" He relied, unsurprised that Kaito had caught on.

A small smile bloomed upon the younger's face "So you'll never leave me all alone?" He asked, feeling giddy at the prospect.

"I'll do my best not to die" He gave Kaito a quick pat on the head "So you better do the same to not leave me all alone" He teased. Indigos widened, Kaito hadn't even thought of the possibility that he could be the one to die and leave Shinichi all alone.

'Loneliness hurts! I've already hurt him so I won't do it again!'

"I promise!" Kaito breathed, giving Shinichi a quick hug "I won't let you feel the pain that I've went through"

'Hakuba and the other humans had been there, but he'd always felt at least a little lonely. With Shinichi who he could talk to, it's different'

Shinichi felt a pang in his chest at the other's words "Thanks"


For the rest of the day, Shinichi spend time teaching Kaito the alphabet and simple phrases that would be useful to him such as; food, hi, thanks, no, yes, sorry, good, bad, stop, ow, hurt, and pain. He'd taught him the last three words just in case something injured Kaito and Shinichi was unable to translate for him. He'd lived a crazy enough life that he'd learned to always prepare for the worst. Thankfully Kaito had caught on quite quickly and had already mastered the alphabet. Now all he needed to do was learn how to spell words and make proper sentence structures. Though he seriously doubted that proper punctuation was necessary.

'I wonder if his learning speed is due to his intelligence or the fact that he's technically relearning things. Maybe it's even a mixture of both'

"You're really doing quite well Kaito" The azure mer praised, he'd quickly realised that the other responded well to praise. Which made sense considering that he'd always been a fan of attention.

Kaito flashed a cocky grin in response ""Of course!' He smirked "I have an awesome teacher and I'm also very talented!" Shinichi scoffed, rolling his eyes at the silly boasting. Kaito was acting more and more what he'd figured he used to be like as time went on. It was reassuring.

"Yes, of course" Shinichi breathed "How could I have ever forgotten" He finished with a teasing tone.

Kaito pouted, crossing his arms across his chest "You're mocking me!" He whined, he didn't like when the other mocked him. It felt like it should be the other way around for some reason.

Shinichi smirked, patting Kaito on the head intentionally like he would a dog. Indigos narrowed, he didn't know why, but being pet like that kinda pissed him off "Only a little, I've got to do it while I can" He teased.

'He won't be nearly as easy to tease once he's back to normal, or at least as normal as he can get'

Kaito pouted, still confused before swimming away to play with some pretty shells.


A small whine woke Shinichi up from his sleep, he glanced over towards the direction it came from and frowned. Kaito was curled up tightly on his seaweed bed, trembling slightly. He contemplated waking the other up but decided not to. Kaito was probably reliving some of his memories within his dreams, he didn't want to mess that up. Instead he swam over and cuddled the other, deciding to comfort him in what little ways he could without waking him up.

'I hope Kaito remembers the dreams a little more clearly'

He quickly fell asleep with the trembling magician nestled in his arms.


Fearful indigos blinked open, he'd had another one of those scary dreams again. Though this time he recognised Shinichi within them, despite the fact that the dream Shinichi had been a human. He glanced at the other's sleeping face, his fear immediately fading with the other's presence, and smiled softly. Shinichi hadn't been lying when he'd said that they'd known each other before.

'Did he notice that I was having scary dreams and decide to comfort me?'

The thought made him feel a little warm and fuzzy inside, he always liked when Shinichi was affectionate. He blinked and shook his head, that was an odd thought, Shinichi was almost always nice to him. He contemplated waking the other up but decided against it, instead he nuzzled further into the other's embrace to enjoy the warmth. He liked cuddles and this was the perfect opportunity to get some more. Maybe when Shinichi woke up he'd tell him about the dream that involved a large shiny white thing that casted a soft light on the both of them as they talked. He'd start of with the non-scary stuff before working into telling the other about the red splatters and loud noises. The red scared him.

Me: This was fun to write~

What was your first anime you watched while knowing it was anime? Mine was D-Gray Man

Hope you enjoyed~

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