12. Seaweed Bed, Talking

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1023 Words excluding (A/N)~ Berry doesn't own MK/DC~

Written September 7 2019
Posted September 12

Sleeping to say the least had been interesting, instead of a nice fluffy bed, blanket and pillow, he had slept on a soft pile of living seaweed. The living seaweed had been tightly woven together in a strategic way, allowing the plant life to both not die and stay grounded to the bottom of the tank. The design had actually impressed Shinichi, further boosting his belief that the Kaito that he'd once known wasn't as lost as he'd initially believed. Kaitou Kid had always been a good problem solver with his sharp mind, Shinichi just had to help bring that mind back.

He'd also learned of the location that was sort of like the equivalent of a bathroom for them, it was actually kind of neat in his opinion. There was this far off tunnel that he needed to swim through that led to a door that needed Shinichi to press a button to open. Through that door there was a narrow but long room where he was to swiftly do his business then bolt out through the door before it touched him. The dirtied water would then be sucked out, cleaned, then replaced with clean water. It had been a relief to know that they weren't going to have to live in soiled water like real fish. Though when they went to the ocean they'd basically be doing just that, he'd just decided to just not think about it too much, after all humans swam in water filled with animal droppings all the time. He'd be fine if he just vacated the area after doing his business.

"Shinichi sleep well?" Shinichi glanced over from where he'd been lounging on his seaweed bed and gave Kaito a small smile.

"Yeah, the seaweed was actually quite comfortable. Thank you for helping me set it up" Kaito grinned proudly at the praise, happy that he'd been able to help the other. Realising this Shinichi smirked.

'Of course he's proud of himself, he used to be on the borderline of being as vain as a cat'

"It was really fun to think up the idea" Indigos gleamed "I was getting really tired of laying on the bottom or having the dead seaweed float away as I slept" His grin widened "So I tried sleeping on living seaweed but kept getting tangled up" Shinichi nodded as Kaito trailed off.

"So you decided to purposely tangle it beforehand right?" Shinichi replied, a small smile on his lips as he imagined the other trapped in a tangle of seaweed. If Kaito had been human it wouldn't have been as funny since then he would have drowned, but since he couldn't drown, it was an amusing thought. The former elusive thief, brought down by seaweed. Though that may have been his petty need for getting even talking.

'When Kaito is back to normal, I'm going to lord his actions over him for as long as I can'

Kaito nodded, looking leased with the other's deduction "Yup! Plus the big blond peo-Human didn't seem happy whenever he added in more seaweed" The indigo mer replied, frowning a bit when he once again remembered that it'd been a while since he'd seen him.

Using what he knew, Shinichi realised that Kaito was talking about Hakuba Saguru "Yeah, I figured that it'd be annoying for Hakuba to keep having to replace the seaweed every day or so" He replied, refraining from adding the 'San' from his name. He didn't want to confuse Kaito and there was no need for such things just yet.

'It's still odd to think that someone as stuck up as Hakuba-kun could have befriended Kaito'


'That sounds familiar!'

Kaito perked up at the somewhat familiar name, he felt like he'd heard that name before. He just didn't know where. He frowned, was that name associated with the time he'd apparently once been human? He wasn't sure, normally those thoughts were scary and made him feel scared. The name Hakuba had the opposite effect on him so it couldn't be true. Indigos met azure "Who is this Hakuba?" He inquired, Shinichi must know because he mentioned that name first.

Shinichi pursed his lip, he wasn't sure if Kaito was ready for that conversation. Did the other even understand death? or was that another bit of knowledge that was stripped away from him as well? He let out a sigh, Kaito was most likely still persistent and probably wouldn't let the subject drop either way "Hakuba is the name of the person who you were talking about" He gave a small smile "He was one of your best friends when you were a human" He added.

'Friend? I know what that means... Friend is an important person to me'

Indigos narrowed "But we can't understand each other..." Shinichi nodded, having expected the question.

"True, with you as a merman you guys couldn't understand each other" Shinichi paused for a moment before continuing "But when you were a human like him, you two could understand each other like how you can currently understand me" He finished.

'So we could talk to each other? I like talking, that's not fair'

Kaito suddenly felt a little sad at the realisation. He wondered if that was why Hakuba often seemed sad when he visited him. They'd apparently been friends that had talked to each other, until Kaito apparently forgot about him and lost the ability to communicate with him. He glanced at the azure mer, he'd be heartbroken if that happened between him and Shinichi yet the other hadn't even been around that long "When Hakuba visits again I want to say sorry, can you help me?" He asked, wanting to do his best to make Hakuba happy. Kaito had probably hurt him a lot by accident. He didn't like that thought.

'I don't like seeing him hurt'

Shinichi visibly grimaced at the request, if only he'd arrived a week or so ago, maybe then Hakuba would have died a little more happily. "I'm sorry Kaito, Hakuba died a few days ago..." Shinichi sighed, hoping that he wouldn't have to explain to Kaito what death meant. The fact that Kaito's speech had improved quite a bit gave him some hope that he could understand.

Me: At first when I got into DC/MK their noses bugged me, but now I'm used to it so I rarely notice how big they are XD

Hope you enjoyed~

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