Omake 1: Dolphins

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Omake DO NOT count towards normal chapter updating and WILL NOT replace a scheduled update.

No minimum work counts on Omake

They're just extras that are made possible due to the time skips in this story.

Which means: Aoko and Hakuba appearances!

WRITTEN: August 6 2019
POSTED August 15 2019


'Oh weird creatures!'

Kaito swam around excitedly as he spotted the smooth grey and white creatures in the transport tank. Their weird squeaking noises were somewhat hard on his ears but if the peoples allowed him to play with these squeaky creatures, he'd put up with the squeaks.

The peoples gave nice pets, but he really just wanted to have some snuggles with them, he didn't understand why the peoples wouldn't allow snuggles. Snuggles were nice.

Kaito let out an excited trill when the transport tank was attached to his own and the barrier was removed, allowing the squeaky creatures into his home.


The squeaky creatures were weird, they were all smooth, it felt different from both his tail and skin.

He swam around with them for a good while, chasing them and being chased in turn. It was nice having something alive to play with.


"They've been playing for hours" Aoko smiled, relieved that they've finally gotten some aquatic friends for Kaito.

"Dolphins were a perfect choice, they're highly intelligent creatures and playful as well" Saguru replied, leaning in to give Aoko a quick kiss on the cheek, it had been hard getting the proper permits. Making sure the tank was suitable was the easy part since he'd spared no expense in making sure Kaito's mind was always being stimulated.

The dolphins were also unreleasable due to being born with weakened lungs so he didn't feel as bad keeping them cooped up instead of setting them free.

'It's such a shame... His intelligence was remarkable...'

The fingers in his pocket cradled a velvet box.


'No! Stop bugging me!'

Kaito scowled as he swam away from the squeaky creatures, holding a hand to his shoulder where one of them had gotten a bit rough. It was leaking small trails of red stuff and stung a bit.

The squeaky creatures had started nudging and bumping into him roughly and trying to rub their weird fleshy things on him. Kaito didn't like that so he'd swam away, only for the squeaky creatures to get angry and become somewhat aggressive towards him.

'Not nice! Mean squeaky creatures!'


"Aoko, we've been together for a long time..." Saguru paused, a bright blush dusting his cheeks as he pulled out the blue velvet box. Aoko's eyes widened as she covered her mouth with her hands "Will you marry me?" Saguru asked as he opened the box to reveal a small sapphire ring, the same shade as Aoko's eyes. He'd contemplated a diamond but decided that a diamond was too generic for someone as special as Aoko.

'I'd do anything for her'

"NO!" The blond recoiled slightly at the sudden shout, having not expected such an extreme rejection.

"P-pardon?" Saguru stuttered.

"Not you!" Aoko gasped pointing towards the tank, the blond turned his head to look behind him and paled.

"Dear god!" He yelped as he spotted the merman being aggressively chased by the dolphins, all of which were showing a visible arousal, he hastily shoved the box into Aoko's hands before sprinting over towards Kaito's special transport tank.

'They're trying to mate with him!'

He began pushing the smaller tank over towards the main tank, noting Aoko's presence as she helped push. When it was close enough he removed the top lid that he'd added to prevent dust collection.

"Kaito!" Indigos immediately zoned in on Saguru then the tank before Kaito took off at a swift speed, easily clearing the walls of the main tank and landing in the transport tank.

Both humans let out a relieved breath once the lid was attached to Kaito's current tank, they didn't want to chance one of the dolphins deciding to copy Kaito. There wasn't enough room for Kaito to get enough speed and velocity to jump from the smaller tank.

"That was... Odd?" Aoko breathed, as she looked her former friend over, frowning at the newly made injuries.

Saguru nodded "Indeed, I had neglected to think about the sexual tendencies of the dolphins... Thankfully Kaito wasn't interested" Aoko crinkled her nose in disgust at the unsaid implications.

"Aoko thinks we should send the dolphins back..." Aoko states softly.

"Agreed, I don't know if they're capable of impregnating him or being impregnated by him, and I really do not wish to find out" Saguru grimaced, knowing that some fish were capable of changing genders. He thankfully couldn't see any genitalia on the merman so he wasn't sure, but there was also no way that he was going to check to make sure. There were some lines he refused to cross.

Aoko turned a little green "But they're different creatures?"

Saguru shrugged "Donkeys and horses, wolves and dogs, tigers and lions" He met her gaze "I'm not risking the chance that they're compatible enough to produce offspring"

'It would be too weird to deal with... plus if Kaito was the alleged female in the situation he could possibly die since dolphins are too big'

"Oh..." Aoko blushed at the mention of offspring. "Um... Aoko's answer is yes" Saguru blinked in confusion causing Aoko to roll her eyes and show him her hand, she was wearing the ring.

Golden eyes widened in shock before an elated grin plastered itself across his face as he captured Aoko in a tight embrace. "Thank you" He breathed.

Me: I had to write this... I thought it was an silly idea and thus had to make it happen~

Anyways~ Do you guys like idea of Omake that potentially fill in the time skip gap a bit?

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