18. Guilt, Scare

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1003 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

~Yay 3K+ views~

Written October 1 2019
Posted October 11 2019

Extra update due to 3K Views and another reason that you don't know~

Shinichi let out a sigh as he watched Shiku leave, he'd told the other of his plan to somehow scare the memories out of Kaito. The other had readily agreed, believing that the azure mer knew what he was doing. Shiku was supposed to be back with tons of fish later that day, there would be no going back from this. If it didn't work, he'd hopefully be able to trick Kaito into thinking that the arrival of the fish was due to some sort of freak accident. He didn't want to lose Kaito's trust.

'I feel so guilty right now... But the plan needs to continue'

He wanted Kaito to be himself again.


Kaito frowned as he looked at Shinichi, the other seemed to be upset about something, but he wasn't sure what "What's wrong Shin-chan?" He asked as he swam over. He didn't think that there were many reasons for the other to be sad.

'I thought he'd be in a happier mood since I remembered a few more things...'

The azure mer flashed Kaito a slightly weary smile, guilt tugging heavily at his conscious. He didn't want to hurt Kaito, yet his plan to get him back could possibly hurt him mentally "I just ate a little too fast and my stomach is hurting a bit" He lied, doing his best to sound sincere. Over the years he's had a lot of practice in lying to those close to him.

Indigos narrowed as a small frown settled an his lips. For some reason he didn't really believe Shinichi's words and he didn't know why, Shinichi didn't have any reason to lie to him. He nodded "I hate it when that happens" He fake sympathised, if Shinichi was lying, there had to be a really good reason for him to. Right? He gave the older a few reassuring head pats.

'Shin-chan has been nothing but good to me ever since he arrived. I should trust him'

Shinichi blushed faintly at being pet, it seemed weird now that Kaito was able to speak properly "Yeah" He agreed, stomach actually beginning to hurt a bit from his guilt "I'm going to rest a bit" He replied before heading over towards his makeshift bed. He'd feel even worse if Kaito kept on being nice to him while unaware of Shinichi's plans. It'd only make his guilt worse.

Kaito deflated a bit at Shinichi's words, a small pout lingering on his lips. That meant that there wouldn't be any more lessons today, he liked learning from Shinichi! It was fun and he was very good at it. It also made Shinichi look at him really fondly whenever he got something right "I'll cuddle with you to make you feel better then" He replied, swimming after Shinichi. If he can't learn from him, then he might as well cuddle with him.

'Maybe cuddling will put him in a better mood'


The azure mer paused, tempted to send the other away, in the end he decided not to "Okay" He breathed, he might as well take advantage of Kaito's closeness while he could. The younger may be too angry at him or too embarrassed later tonight depending on how things played out. He really hoped that at the very least that Kaito wouldn't be too angry with him.

'I'm so sorry Kaito...'


Kaito perked up from his cuddling with Shinichi, he'd heard the sound of Shiku opening part of the tank. He'd grown familiar with that particular sound over the years, mainly because it usually meant that he was getting a new toy or something. He felt Shinichi's arms wrap tighter around him. He glanced at the older, giving Shinichi a bright grin "That sound means that something fun is coming!" He trilled happily. It hadn't even been that long since the last time it had happened, there were good times.

'I get to play with the new toys with Shin-chan!'

His smile was quickly replaced with horror as a nightmarish creature passed through some seaweed and into his sight. Then another, and another, he tightly gripped the older for protection, a scream dying in his throat as his body began to violently tremble.

'F-finny things...'


Shinichi's eyes burned as he held Kaito closer to him, an endless fearful trill was coming out of the younger's mouth. The poor guy seemed terrified, unable to do anything but dig his nails deeper into Shinichi's side. He had to do this, he had to make Kaito face his biggest fear in the hopes that the shock was great enough to bring the real Kaito back to him "It's okay, it's okay" Shinichi soothed, burying his face into the crook of Kaito's neck as he carded the fingers of his right hand through Kaito's hair.

'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Kaito...'

Kaito tried to say something but it came out as nothing more than a fear filled warble and sob, as more and more fish seemed to be swimming around them. He violently flinched when something disgustingly slimy brushed against his tail, making Kaito tuck it even tighter against himself.

'I'm so sorry...'

Shinichi clenched his teeth, closing his eyes. He felt like the scummiest person on earth right now. He continued to whisper reassurances to the younger as he hugged him tighter. This was a bad idea, what had he been thinking?! He'd underestimated exactly how bad of a reaction Kaito would have, the guy was too terrified to even swim away. A horrible thought suddenly came to him, how would they get rid of the fish? Would Kaito be a little better with them once he regained his memory? He hoped so, he didn't even want to think about what would happen if his memory didn't return.

The small whines were suddenly beginning to sound softer and softer, Shinichi looked at Kaito with concern when he felt the younger go limp. Kaito had fainted. He gently put the younger onto the bed before heading towards where Shiku would be. They needed to get rid of the fish before Kaito woke up. The poor guy has already been through enough.

Me: People can do stupid things when they're desperate...

Will Kaito be fixed? Find out next Thursday cause I wanted to give you guys many chappys quickly only to stop at a cliffy~

Hope you did with the enjoying~

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