Epilogue 2 (True End)

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1010 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

~Yay 20k+ Words~

Zee last chappy~
Now you guys know why I spammed chappys XP

Written October 3 2019
Posted October 17 2019

Year 2175

Saguru sighed as he gazed at the open sea, he'd turned 20 a few months ago. That day was also the day when he remembered his past life, the memories just seemed so fresh in his mind. He missed Aoko, and Kaito and absently wondered if he was the only one to have a second chance at life.

'I love Aoko too dearly, I doubt I'll find love in this life if she hasn't been reborn as well...'

"Oh?" His thoughts paused at the familiar voice "It seems as if we've all been drawn here in this life" He turned around to see Akako, His eyes widened when Aoko peeked out from behind the red witch with a small smile.

"Aoko!" He breathed, running up to his love and hugging her tightly.

Aoko smiled, returning the hug "Aoko is happy to see you again Saguru" She was so happy that Saguru had been brought back as well.

"I cast a spell on us" Akako stated, snagging the two lovebird's attention "We will all continuously reincarnate and remember our past lives once we reach the age of 20" She paused momentarily to allow her words to seep in "I chose 20 so that we won't be alienated growing up"

Aoko's eyes gleamed with excitement as she looked around "Where's Kaito?!" She missed him and wanted to see her best friend as himself again. t'd been too painful to visit him much in her past life, something she sorely regretted.

The blond glanced around as well, though he was a little wary of why the magician had yet to reveal himself to them "Yes, where is he?" Saguru inquired.

Red eyes gleamed "Kaito wasn't reincarnated like us" Akako replied, taking in some amusement from the other's disappointed faces. It was technically the truth. One can't reincarnate without dying first. She motioned towards a beach house a little ways away from their current location, it was made half over the ocean "Why don't we continue our talk there?" A wry smirk played on her lips "We were all drawn here for a reason after all"


"Kaito, you really shouldn't do it" Shinichi chided as he watched his magician hide behind some aquatic foliage. They'd been informed by Akako of the other's arrivals and the magician was set on messing with them.

'At least we'll be able to speak with them'

It had taken a long time, but they eventually relearned the human language by listening then using their perfect pitch to mimic the language. It didn't feel like they were speaking like humans, but they knew they were.

"But Shin-chan..." Kaito whined before suddenly stilling. Footsteps were approaching, his victims would be here soon.


Saguru glanced around the house with intrigue, it was like it was half aquarium with how topless tanks and connective channels ran through the house. It would have been perfect for Kaito. His mood darkened at the thought of his friendly rival.

'It's not fair that we get a second chance but he doesn't... Kaito deserves one more than anyone'

Something soggy suddenly made contact with his face, startling him and making him fall over. A hauntingly familiar snicker echoed throughout the house "Goal!" Kaito cheered, popping his upper body out from one of the tanks a small machine was around his neck, covering his gills. As long as Kaito or Shinichi popped underwater at least every five minutes, they wouldn't suffocate. Shinichi face palmed from behind a decorative rock.

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