13. Regrets, Promise

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1010 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written September 8 2019
Posted September 19 2019

Indigos dimmed slightly as a small frown creased Kaito's lips at the new information. He knew what death meant, it meant that he'd never see the blond ever again. He'd lost his chance to try and make things right with him. "Do you know how he died?" Kaito inquired, his voice soft. The thought of Hakuba being dead kinda hurt a lot more than he'd have expected it to.

'He really must have been important to me...'

Shinichi shook his head, he hadn't really kept close tabs on the other detective when he'd been human "Not really no" He gave a small smile in an attempt to lighten the other's mood "But he must have at least lived a long and fulfilling life" He added "After all, he did live to be over 80 which is pretty good in human standards"

Kaito nodded, feeling a little relieved from the other's words, though he still felt somewhat remorseful that things hadn't been mended between them "I'm really going to miss messing with him" He sighed, at Shinichi's raised brow he explained "For some reason I've always felt the need to mess with Hakuba" He smiled "I didn't really hate him, I just felt the urge to do it and it just felt right somehow"

'His reactions were very funny a lot of the time'


Shinichi smirked, of course Kaito would have still messed with Hakuba, even with most of his memories missing. The action has probably been ingrained into Kaito's being for decades, especially if the two were once classmates. He actually sort of pitied those who'd been the former magician's classmates "That's probably because you liked to mess with him before you lost your memory" Shinichi snickered.

'I wonder how many times he was given detention before the teachers gave up. I can't really see Kaito obediently sitting through detention'

The indigo mer blinked in confusion "I messed with Hakuba back then as well?"

Shinichi nodded "Yeah, most likely. I can't really imagine you not messing with him" Kaito was a huge trickster as Kaitou Kid, some of that mischief had to have leaked or even originated from his civilian persona.

Indigos narrowed slightly as Kaito tilted his head to the side "We knew each other before?" He inquired, he wasn't really sure, but the other's words made him suspicious.

Azure met indigo as Shinich gave a small nod "Yeah" He replied, averting his gaze from the other "We didn't really spend a lot of time together" He paused for a moment before continuing "But we truly understood each other he finished. His eyes were burning a little but he didn't know why.

Indigos softened as Kaito swiftly caught him into a hug, letting out soft trilling noises "I'm sorry for hurting you" Kaito murmured into the other's neck.

Shinichi trembled "When you suddenly disappeared..." His voice wavered "I thought that you'd died..." Shinichi added, wondering why he felt like he was going to cry. He hadn't cried back then for Kaito, so why was he feeling like this right now when Kaito was obviously alive? He returned the hug.

'I had lost the one person who truly understood me... Now he's back but he's not the same...'

He missed his best friend.


Kaito felt his eyes sting, he felt guilty for forgetting Shinichi. It had obvious hurt the other.

'Shinichi is strong, I want to be strong like that'

The indigo mer loosened the hug a bit in order to meet the other's gaze "I will do my best to remember you Shinichi" He vowed, it was the least he could do for his friend. He didn't want what happened with Hakuba to happen to Shinichi. He gave a small reassuring smile "My speech has improved a lot since you've come here, so there's that at least"

'Copying the way Shinichi speaks is fun'

Shinichi returned the smile with one of his own "Yeah, I've noticed. It's actually kind of impressive"

Kaito beamed at the praise "Of course!" He grinned "I'm a very quick learner" He boasted, he liked it whenever Shinichi complimented him.

Shinichi couldn't help the small smile that tugged at his lips, he didn't doubt Kaito's words. The other really was a fast learner. "You know" He paused "To remember me, you'd have to talk about your scary dreams with me" He stated, remembering how they'd been in quite a lot of dangerous situations together in the past.

Kaito wilted a bit, a small grimace on his face "Why would our time together be scary?"

'Shinichi isn't scary, so what happened to make our time together scary?'

"That's something I think you should remember by yourself" Shinichi breathed, not wanting to influence or accidentally plant false memories into the other. He wanted the memories to be real, not fabricated substitutes "We had different takes on a lot of the situations" He added, remembering how Kid thought dodging bullets was fun. Shinichi didn't quite share that sentiment with Kid. He preferred to avoid bullets as much as possible.

Kaito frowned slightly but still nodded in understanding. He sort of understood Shinichi's reasoning, though he still didn't like it. He didn't want to wait in remembering the other. He wanted to remember him now "So then what will we do?" He inquired.

The azure mer shrugged, he wasn't really sure "We should just go about our day as normal and hope my presence triggers some of your memories" He smirked "And when you have a scary dream I'll try to help you understand them better" He replied, there wasn't really much else they could do besides that.

Kaito gave a small pout, that sounded like it could possibly take a while for his memories to return "If you say so..." He sighed before another thought came to mind "What'll happen after I regain my memories?" He asked, knowing that he wouldn't be able to return to his old life.

Shinichi blinked "Oh, we'll go to the ocean and live out the rest of our days there" He replied.

Me: This was fun to write~

Hope you enjoyed~

To Understand You
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