11. Pain is Good?!?

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1009 Words excluding (A/N)~ Berry doesn't own MK/DC~

Written August 28 2019
Posted ThursdaySeptember 5 2019

"Can you tell me whenever you have a weird dream?" Shinichi inquired, hopefully his presence managed to trigger more dreams, and with those he could help Kaito understand them.

'If I can explain the things he sees in his dreams, maybe his memory would also start returning'

Indigos dulled slightly as Kaito pursed his lip, he really didn't want to. The less he thought about scary things, the better. "No need, dream be dream, not present" He replied as he picked up a shiny blue shell and fiddled with it.

Azures narrowed, having not expected the simple yet complex response. "I thought you were excited to learn a ton of new things?" Shinichi asked, studying Kaito's expression, it seemed different from the previously childish one he often had. He seemed almost fearful.

Kaito paused in his fiddling with the shell, head lowering as he rested the shell on his tail. "Kaito doesn't like scary..." He let out a low fearful trill, the shell falling down into the sand as fearful indigos met azure "Please don't make me think about the scary" He pleaded, a small shiver going through his frame.

"Scary?" Shinichi paused in thought "What do you mean by scary?"

"There's lot of red, loudness, white, and lights" Kaito replied softly "Pain... So much pain... Kaito doesn't like the hurting" He added, wrapping both his arms and tail around himself protectively. He felt safer all wrapped up.

'...Does he remember parts of being Kid? I do remember that there was a lot of talk about a group of people trying to kill him...'

Shinichi frowned at the thought of Kaito being scared of his own memories, he'd always imagined the person behind Kaitou Kid to be more put together. Yet, Kaito wasn't really the person behind Kaitou Kid right now was he? He was just a shadow of his old self right now so of course he'd fear the memories, knowing Kid, they were chaotic and confusing. "Pain isn't always bad" Shinichi offered as he moved to give Kaito a reassuring hug, only to blink in confusion when Kaito moved a little bit away from him.

'He actually refused contact? I thought he loved contact'

"Liar" Kaito huffed, indigos narrowed "Pain bad, always bad" He couldn't believe that Shinichi was telling him that pain could be good, Shinichi was supposed to be nice! Nice didn't include pain.

"Normally yes" Shinichi gave a small smile "But Pain can teach us good things"


'Shinichi lying... Why he lie to Kaito?'

Kaito crosses his arms "Don't believe you, Shinichi want Kaito scared" He didn't understand why Shinichi wanted him scared, but it was the only explanation. Pain couldn't be good, it hurt a lot and was scary, nothing scary had ever been good. The little reddish pinchy things had been scary, yet he'd approached them only to be met with pain. The little multi-limbed creature had been scary yet harmless at first, until one day it'd decided to squeeze him really hard until the big blond peop—Human had done something to it, making the water turn a scary red.

Shinichi let out an exasperated sigh "No Kaito, I don't want you to be scared. I want you to talk about your dreams so that you can understand them and eventually not be afraid" He soothed, mentally reminding himself to not become annoyed with the other. It wasn't Kaito's fault that things were like this. Well maybe it was, he did steal a magical gem after all, so at least some of it could be blamed on him.

Indigos blinked, Kaito tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Talking about scary and pain make less scary?" He frowned "Pain still can't teach"

'Shinichi smart, but Kaito smarter!'

Shinichi grinned "Pain is actually a good teacher. If something hurts when you do something, you usually don't do it again" A small pout drew itself up onto Kaito's face as the indigo mer remembered how he'd stayed away from those weird pinchy things after they hurt him. Seeing Kaito's expression, Shinichi continued "Plus, emotional pain helps you to understand others"

Kaito raised a brow "Emotional Pain?" He didn't really understand what Shinichi meant by emotional pain.

"You know how you were sad being all alone?"Shinichi asked, at Kaito's nod he smiled before continuing "You wouldn't want someone else to be alone because you know how sad it made you right?"

"I guess..." Kaito admitted, picking the shell back up to fiddle with it.

'Before Shinichi was here it was lonely...'

"That's how pain can teach things, so I really think that it would be a good idea for you to share any future dreams you have" Shinichi soothed as he leaned closer to give Kaito a few encouraging pats on the head. He didn't like seeing Kaito upset and either pets or cuddling were a good way to fix that. Kaito leaned in happily towards the touch, letting out a soft, happy trill.

'Love pets... Shinichi always give good pets...'

"Wait!" Kaito suddenly shook his head and moved a bit away from Shinichi.

"What's wrong?" The older inquired, this new Kaito wasn't usually one to ignore being pet.

"Umm..." Kaito gave a small smile as he reached up to give Shinichi a few pets "Kaito always getting pets... But Shinichi deserves pets too!" He chirped.

Shinichi felt a little bit of warmth bloom in his chest, he couldn't help but think that Kaito was just being plain adorable. "Thank you Kaito" He replied, leaning into the touch, it felt weird to be pet by someone, but it made Kaito happy so he figured that it'd be fine. He'd just hold it against Kaito once he got his memories back.

'Shinichi good! Deserves pets more than Kaito! Kaito will make sure Shinichi rewarded!'

Kaito flashed a grin "Paying back favours" he replied with a soft chirp.

Shinichi gave a small smile in return, feeling slightly nostalgic at the mention of favours between them. He wondered if the other subconsciously remembered that.

Me: This was so hard to write... Stupid wood chippers right outside my window... Gah...

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