16. Few Memories

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1014 Words excluding (A/N)~ Berry doesn't own MK/DC~

Written September 19 2019
Posted October 9 2019

Yes I've posted this part on Wednesday, I'll post again around noon tomorrow (Berry's time zone of course)

Reason: Cause I felt like it

Shinichi woke up to a warmth nestled against his chest. He let out a soft yawn before blinking open his eyes, a small smile spread across his lips at Kaito's sleeping face. He looked so peaceful while sleeping. He didn't really know the exact time, but he figured that it was a good time for the both of them to wake up. The aquarium's lights were on after all, signifying that it was most likely daytime.

'It's nice that we have the lights to give us a sense of time, it would be horrible if our waking schedule synced with the night. The ocean's way too dangerous at night'

He gave the indigo mer a gentle nudge on the shoulder "Hey Kaito, wake up" He stated, giving the other another nudge. Kaito mumbled something indecipherable, nuzzling closer to Shinichi. Shinichi rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated breath. Of course the idiot had decided to be a pain to wake up. He jabbed Kaito in the ribs with his elbow, the other would survive that so it was fine.

"Gah!" Kaito let out a pained yelp, indigos flashing open at the sudden pain in his side "What was that for?!" He whined, a pained grimace on his face as he nursed his side with both hands. He knew it was Shinichi who'd hurt him because Shinichi was the only one around.

The azure mer smirked "You weren't waking up on time" Shinichi replied. That and it was a little fun to jab him. It was petty, but he liked dishing out payback, no matter how late it was.

Kaito gave a hurt pout, wincing slightly as he crossed his arms across his chest "That's no fair!" He whined, miffed that Shinichi hadn't been kind as he himself was "I woke up earlier and decided to let you sleep" He complained, it wasn't fair.

Azure met indigo "Did you have one of those dreams again?" He inquired, hoping that Kaito did. This Kaito was fine, but he wasn't the same.

'I want him to at the very least remember me'

The indigo mer gave a small nod in response "I saw both of us and a shiny white thing casting light on us" He replied, having forgotten a lot of the details but that was okay. He'd remembered that he'd dreamed of Shinichi. That was good, right?

Shinichi's heart fluttered within his chest. Kaito had remembered on of their many meetings "The white thing is called the moon" Shinichi informed, a wide grin on his face.

'That's a good place to start remembering'

Kaito blinked at the new information. That word sounded really familiar to him, as if it were highly important. His head was starting to hurt a bit, he looked towards Shinichi "Why is the moon important to me?" He inquired, the other had to know right? They'd been really close after all.

Azure softened at Kaito's vulnerable tone, the younger looked really confused. Shinichi gave Kaito a comforting hug "I can't really tell you the details" He paused "But I can tell you that it was a source of comfort and strength for you" He replied, a nostalgic smile lingering on his lips as he remembered Kid being silhouetted by the moon. The moon had done wonders for the thief's mystery levels.

'I was in the middle of falling for him before he vanished'

He'd been heartbroken thinking that the thief had left him. Eventually that heartbreak had turned into a dull sadness when he'd realized that the thief probably hadn't willingly left him. After that he had focused on Ran, developing his relationship with her. Though that in itself had ended in disaster when she'd died during childbirth. After that he'd given up on love. Everyone he'd truly and honestly loved had left him.

Shinichi snapped out of his musings due to Kaito, the younger had poked him on the cheek "You suddenly had a really sad look on your face" Kaito replied, frowning. He really didn't like it when Shinichi made that face.

"Sorry" He gave a small smile to reassure Kaito "I was just remembering some things myself" He replied, after Kaito had given him an inquisitive look "You're not the only one who remembers things" He smirked "I'm just better at it than you" He teased, wanting to lighten the atmosphere.


Kaito nodded, still a little concerned "I'll continue to remember you" He beamed "I'm sure of it!" He stated, indigos filled with determination.

'A lot of Shinichi's sadness will go away once I fully remember him right? That means I have to do my best! A sad Shinichi is no good'

Kaito pondered in thought for a moment, wracking his brain for any extra information from his dream. A sudden name popped into his head, indigos narrowed in confusion "I also remember a name" He frowned "But it confuses me" He stated.

'Why would a person have two names? It doesn't make any sense'

Shinichi raised a brow, intrigued "A name?" Kaito nodded, Shinichi wondered if the other had remembered his other alias of Edogawa Conan "What name is it?" He asked.

"Yeah, the name is Shin-chan" Shinichi sucked in a breath, Indigos narrowed as Kaito glanced over at Shinichi "But that makes no sense, you're Shinichi aren't you?" He asked, completely confused.

Azures burned slightly "Yeah I am" It was hard for him to keep his voice steady "But you also called me that to tease me" Shinichi replied, voice soft. He couldn't believe that Kaito had remembered that embarrassing nickname.

"That doesn't sound very nice" Kaito replied, disappointed in his past self. He gave the other an apologetic smile "I'll only call you Shinichi then"

'How could I have been so mean?'

Azure widened "No!" He blushed, lowering his voice "Call me Shin-chan, I have no problem with it" He replied. He used to have a problem with it, but that was until the idiot had gone and disappeared. Now he looked back at those memories with fondness.

Kaito was silent for a few moments as he studied Shinichi, he nodded, giving the older a warm smile "Okay Shin-chan!" He beamed, glad that the name seemed to cheer him up.

Me: Yay~ Kaito calls him Shin-chan now~

Gah berry is in one of her weird moods where she avoids people (More than usual) >~<

Hope you enjoyed~

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