8. Weird Fleshy Thing, Chase

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1024 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own DC/MK characters~ If Berry did, there'd be more Magic Kaito chapters...

Written August 6 2019
Posted August 15 2019

There will be absolutely NO WEIRD FISHY SEX in this story

'He must have been so lonely...'

Shinichi frowned at the thought of Kaito being neglected, he figured that it wasn't really intentional, but it still irked him. He'd always figured that Ki—Kaito's civilian self would be a very social person due to how the magician seemed to adore any attention given to him. It made him wonder why there were no other sea creatures with them.

"Kaito, why were you alone?" Shinichi asked softly, Kaito paused his content trilling and pulled away from the other, cocking his head slightly to the side in confusion.

"Always alone, peoples gave creatures but then took creatures away" Kaito replied, giving a small shrug. Azure eyes narrowed in thought.

'Why would they take the creatures away?'

"What did the creatures do?" Shinichi inquired, wondering if whatever animal that had been added to the enclosure had turned out to be dangerous to the former magician.

Kaito crinkled his nose in distaste as he crossed his arms across his chest "Squeaky creatures kept following and bumping into me" An annoyed scowl crossed over his face "Annoying"

'Squeaky creatures?... Dolphins? That would make sense, they're very intelligent beings after all'

Shinichi blinked "Wouldn't they be fun to play with?"

The other shook his head "No, bumping was annoying, don't like"

"I don't understand" Shinichi replied, honestly confused.

"They poke me with weird fleshy thing" Kaito grimaced before reaching down and stuffing one of his hands into his tail somewhere near the crotch area and pulled out its contents. The former sleuth's brain stuttered to a half for a few moments before he let out an exasperated half groan half laugh as he covered his face with both hands.

'I've been here for less than a day and he's already tried to eat me and has shown me his genitals... I don't know whether to laugh or cry'

"Kaito no" Shinichi sighed "I don't like" He added, not wanting to have to go into details explaining why. Though now that he thought about it, he was curious and would probably check himself out later, probably when Kaito was resting and unable to intrude.

"Kaito good" Kaito replied as he stuffed his private parts away. "Kaito sorry and confused" He let out a few sad chirping sounds as he hugged Shinichi, nuzzling his cheek against his own. Shinichi's shoulders sagged.

'He really doesn't know any better... I guess as long as his dick isn't sticking out I'll allow him to hug me. Contact will do him some good if he's truly been deprived of it for so long...'


'The Shinichi no likes weird fleshy thing, I keep weird fleshy thing hidden. No want lose the Shinichi'

Kaito really liked the Shinichi a lot more than the squeaky creatures and peoples, he'd already been allowed so many snuggles since finding the Shinichi. He liked how the Shinichi wasn't shoving him away like the peoples did or bumping into him rudely like the squeaky creatures.

'Not alone, not alone!'

"It's fine Kaito, just no pulling out—" Shinichi paused for a moment before continuing "Just no pulling out the weird fleshy thing" He finished, deciding to use the other's words for a penis for better understanding. He'd eventually teach Kaito the proper words for things once they have a better understanding between them.

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