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Hana winced as Jungkook dabbed the blood away from her face. She sat in silence, not wanting to say anything knowing that he wasn't happy.

"It's not that bad," Hana said, trying to lighten the mood.

"The guy beat you up!" He exclaimed, "How is that not bad?"

"I've had worse but that isn't important," She said with a shrug, "I thought there were only 5 in the inner circle. Who were the other 2 men?"

"I'm not sure. If you see them again, remember their features and draw them. I might be able to get an identity from your sketches,"

Hana nodded, "Does anyone have any leads on Wonho's murder?"

"Not yet, but we are trying. Are you ok? I mean, that guy just attacked you and you are living in this place. Do you feel safe?"

"Not really but if anyone tries to break into this place, then I will have to sort them out," Hana smiled, "Oh. When you leave, make sure no one sees your face. You need to be careful that no one finds out who you are. I don't want another death on my hands,"

"Wonho's death wasn't your fault,"

Hana shrugged, "I didn't see the car coming because I was too focused on my coffee and Wonho. If I was paying attention then-"

"You'd be able to make him dodge a bullet?" Jungkook said, "It doesn't work like that. His murder was horrible, it really was, but you can't blame yourself for it,"

There was a loud knock on the door and their eyes went wide as the handle started to rattle.

"Quick!" Hana said dragging him into the bedroom. They jumped under the cover and quickly made it look like they were having sex, "I can't fake noises right now! It's embarrassing!"

Jungkook covered her mouth with his hand and his face in her neck, "This is so embarrassing!"

Hana held back a laugh and the door opened, making her heart drop into her stomach. Jungkook quickly moved his hips and moaned, making them both blush in embarrassment.

"B-busy!" Hana stuttered out from under his hand and the door closed again, "Holy shit,"

"Who was it?" Jungkook whispered.

"Min Yoongi," Hana whispered back.

"Oh god,"

"Come to early?" Hana giggled and Jungkook sat up glaring at her, "Sorry. I couldn't help myself,"

Jungkook tutted and climbed off her, straightening his shirt that she pulled on, "How am I supposed to leave with them hanging about?"

"Does it look like I've just had sex?" She said quietly. 

"No," Jungkook muttered, "Slap your cheeks a bit or something,"

"Or say you were a letdown," Hana said, "I'm sure hookers get that all the time,"

Jungkook shrugged, "Probably and just to let you know, I never let a girl down. They always want more,"

Hana grinned and spoke quietly, "You don't have to prove anything to me, Jungkook. I'm sure girls are happy when you have sex with them,"

Jungkook blushed, "Do you think those stairs could handle my weight? Ah, but shit. My things are out there,"

"I'll get them," She said kicking her boots off. Her hands almost shook as she opened the bedroom door and slipped out. 5 men sat in her small flat and she ducked her head not looking at them. She gathered Jungkook's belongings and quickly went back into the bedroom, "The unknown guys aren't there,"

Jungkook pulled his jacket on, "I'm sure they will turn up again," He whispered, "If they ask why I left this way, make an excuse,"

"I was planning to," Hana said quietly, hugging him "Be careful,"

"The same can be said to you," Jungkook muttered before heading down the creaky staircase.

Hana took a deep breath and went back outside pulling her hair into a messy bun. Every move she made the men watched her. She cleared her throat and faced them.

"Beer?" She asked and surprised herself at how steady her voice sounded. They just shrugged and she bit into her tongue, grabbing them a beer.

She sat at the small dining table and crossed her legs, gulping her beer. The silence was horrible and she shifted slightly.

"How did you know where I lived?" Hana asked.

"Where's the guy?" Yoongi asked.

Hana cleared his throat, "He's the type who doesn't want to be seen with a hooker. Probably married or something,"

"Fair enough and you're the new girl," Yoongi said, "It's in your best interest that I know where you live,"


Yoongi lifted his eyebrow, "So if you get beaten again, I can find out who did it,"

"I think you found that I can take care of myself," She said and quickly cursed, "Sorry. That's why I got beaten up. I answered back,"

Namjoon got to his feet and Hana felt herself freeze as he walked over to her. She flinched when he ran his finger gently across her face and he put his finger on her chin, making her look at him.

"You won't be having problems from Bishop anymore," He said, "And if the new pimp causes you problems, do what you did in front of us. If not, call Suga,"

"Who?" Hana said quietly.

Namjoon chuckled, "You don't know who we are?"

"Why should I?"

"Interesting," Namjoon said pulling her to her feet and snaked his arm around her waist, one hand resting on the back of her neck, "Most girls know who we are. Who I am,"

Hana tried not to shiver under his touch but she couldn't help it when he slowly ran his finger across her lower back.

He smirked and lowered his mouth to her ear, "If you don't want to call Suga, you're more than welcome to call me. I wouldn't mind coming to help a girl like you,"

Hana snapped back to her senses and pushed him away, feeling his hard muscles tense under her hands, "Thanks, but I'm a big girl. I know how to look after myself and if you want to call upon me, you pay,"

Namjoon laughed and looked at his friends, "This girl is great! Make sure she's looked after. I'm sure she'll bring in a lot of money,"

"And she's cute," Jimin said biting into his lower lip, looking her up and down, "I wouldn't mind being a client of hers,"

"You know the rules," Yoongi said, "Don't sleep with the girls unless-"

"Yeah, yeah," Jimin said, "I know the rules. I was just saying,"

Namjoon grabbed hold of her chin yanking her face towards his, and he placed a quick kiss to her lips making her eyes go wide.

"See you around, beautiful. Try not to piss anyone else off," He grinned and walked towards the front door, "Get her checked out Suga. She has my interest,"

"Yess, boss," Yoongi said getting to his feet. He walked over to Hana, and ran his thumb across her bottom lip, "Put some ice on that, beautiful. You'll definitely bring in the money with your face and body,"

The others followed Namjoon and Yoongi, but Jimin stopped in front of her, pressing her against the wall. Hana gritted her teeth and looked away from him.

"I'll look after you if I have to Princess," Jimin said, grinning at her, "In more ways than you think,"

"Jimin!" Hoseok said, "Hurry the fuck up. We have places to be and she needs to get back to work,"

Jimin chuckled and kissed her cheek, "See you soon Princess,"

A/N: Don't forget to vote and comment.

Much love hoes.

Stay weird <33

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