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Namjoon allowed Hana and Jungkook to clean up and she spent a while in the shower, washing and scrubbing her hair. She brushed her teeth and came out into her room wrapped in a towel, sitting down on her bed. She was grateful to be left alone so she plugged her phone in and when it turned back on, she had a few messages from Taehyung, Harley and Jae.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Taehyung said answering his phone, "I've been trying to get in contact with you for days and you have ignored me. What happened? Are you ok? I thought you were dead, Hana!"

"I'm sorry," She said, "There was an issue but it's ok now. How are you?"

"I was about to start kicking doors down demanding to know where you were," Taehyung said and Hana smiled, "Have you heard from Jungkook? He, uh, hasn't been home for a few days and I was kinda worried,"

"You have a crush on him," Hana said.

"I do not!"

"Doesn't matter if you do. But he is ok. He is with me," She said, walking over to her drawers, "I needed his help with something and we had to keep it on the down-low,"

"Are you both ok?"

"We are ok as we can be. Tired mostly," Hana sighed, "Sorry for suddenly disappearing,"

"I was thinking the worse," Taehyung said, "Someone knocked on the door and I panicked thinking they it was the cops coming to tell me that you were dead. Luckily, it was just some guy with blue hair asking for you,"

Hana's heart dropped into her stomach, "Blue hair?"

"Yeah, said he was a friend or something," Taehyung said.

"What did you tell him, Tae?"

"I didn't say anything," Taehyung huffed, "I wasn't sure if the guy was a cop or someone involved in your case. I just said I had no idea who you were and he just smiled and walked away. Should I be worried?"

"No," Hana lied, "I have to go but make sure you message me ok? I want to keep in contact with you now. Things have changed,"

"You are making me worry, sis. Can you tell me where you are at least?"

"I'm sorry. You know I can't do that," Hana said and turned around just to gasp, seeing Namjoon leaning on the door frame, "I-I have to go,"

"Stay on the phone," Namjoon said.

Hana gulped, "What?"

"Hana, who was that? Are you ok? Do I need to bring my karate skills out or would I need to stay a lawyer?"

"You don't have any karate skills," Hana said, "How many times have I kicked your ass?"

"You're a girl. I couldn't bring myself to hurting you,"

Hana sucked in air as Namjoon pressed her against the drawers and her heart began to race as he ran his finger over the top of her towel.

"Is that your brother?" Namjoon asked and she nodded, "I want his name and his address,"

"N-no," Hana said, "He needs to-"

"Give me his name, beautiful,"

"Can I not shit in peace?" Taehyung said and Namjoon smirked, "Fuck em. I'm not opening the door. They can piss off,"

"You are shitting whilst talking to me?"

"I am. Why? Can you hear it?"

"My god. You are disgusting!"

Namjoon lowered his mouth to her neck and she bit into her lip and closed her eyes, almost missing the sound of a flushing toilet. She came to quickly and pushed Namjoon away slightly turning her back on him.

"Hana," Taehyung said quietly, "Are you sure I don't need to worry about the guy with blue hair?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because he is outside the house with some other guys in suits,"

Hana shoved Namjoon away and grabbed her underwear, stuffing herself into them. Namjoon frowned as she ran to get a pair of shorts and a baggy top.

"Don't leave the house," Hana said quickly, "Don't open the door and don't make it obvious that you are there. If they get into the house you hide or if you have to, you fight. Bring out those karate skills,"

"Shit. They are bad people. They have guns!"

"Don't fucking move, Tae!" Hana said loudly and she got to the bottom of the stairs almost crashing into Yoongi, "I'm coming to get you. Don't panic. I'll be there as soon as I can,"

"Please hurry," He said quietly, "They are just staring, and I'm kinda scared,"

"I won't let anything happen to you. I promise," Hana said, "I have to hang up. Call Jungkook,"

"What is going on?" Jin said, coming out of a room, "Is everything ok?"

"Give me a gun," Hana said, sliding her shoes on, "Now! I don't have the time to fuck about!"

"Hana," Namjoon said, "Did you want to-"

"No!" Hana snapped, "Jooheon is outside my brother's house and I need to get there before anything bad happens to him. Give me a fucking gun or I-"

"Hana!" Jungkook said charging down the stairs, "Tae said they broke into the house,"


"We need to go. Now," Jungkook said, "Look, we aren't going to run off. If Hana loses her brother then-"

"Here," Yoongi said handing me one, "Just don't lose it. It's my favourite gun,"

"I'll drive," Jin said, "Namjoon, are you coming or going,"

Namjoon tutted, "I was hoping to come somewhere else, but fine. I'll come with you,"

"Anything interesting happening?" Jimin asked.

Hana stuffed the gun into the waistband of her shorts and quickly rushed out of the house, jumping into the back of the car. Everyone else piled in and Jimin was looking around with a confused expression.

"Have I missed something?"

"Jooheon found my brother," Hana said, biting into her nail, "Does he know?"

"Does he know what?"

"Does he know I'm a cop?"

"Probably not," Jin said, "Yongguk said that no one knew apart from Hoseok of course. I don't think he would have told Jooheon because he wanted to keep you to himself,"

"Shit," Hana said, running her hands through her wet hair, "If anything happens to him I'd never forgive myself,"

Jungkook took her hands in his and smiled, "Nothing will happen. Taehyung is tough...sort of and he has you as a big sister. He will be fine,"

"And if he isn't?"

"Jooheon will die quicker than expected," Namjoon said, "Jin, drive faster,"

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