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Hana sat on the chair next to Darcy watching her put her belongings in her bag. Darcy hadn't said a word to Hana when she arrived but Hana could see her glancing at the hickeys Namjoon had left on her neck. Hana rolled her eyes and got to her feet.

"So," Darcy said, "I take it that you've been having fun,"

Hana held back a smile, "How did you know?"

"You like him, don't you?" Darcy said.

"Yeah," Hana said quietly, "Stupid, isn't it? Considering my line of work,"

Darcy shrugged, "I suppose that won't help when you arrest him but I guess you could just enjoy it for now,"

"Maybe," Hana said, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah. I have to figure out where to go after this," Darcy said following her out of the room, "I don't want to go back to the place where I was attacked,"

"You won't need to worry about that,"

"I don't particularly want to go back to the street," Darcy said just above a whisper, "I can't do this anymore,"

"Again, don't worry about it,"

"Hana," Darcy said grabbing her arm as they reached the lift where Namjoon and the others were standing, "What have you done?"

"Let's just say, that I can be very persuasive," She smirked, "I also know how to work a man. I guess my feminine charms do work,"

"What did you do?" Darcy whispered.

"I told Namjoon that I didn't want you going back to the place where you were attacked. I told him that I knew how it felt to be alone and if they were going to take you back there, then I would leave the house and go back to the streets," Hana said, grabbing Darcy's hand, "I may not be able to pay off your debt, but this is the only thing I can do for you,"

Darcy looked up and then back at Hana, "What do they want me to do? They won't want me to stay there for free. None of them is in love with me, Hana!"

Hana frowned, "Is that why you think I'm staying there for free? Because that idiot loves me?"

"No, I just-"

"Because you are right," Hana said, "I have no choice and neither do you. I won't let anyone do that to you again,"

Darcy ran her hands through her hair, "Suga won't want me to stop walking the street. I'm-"

"Can you hurry the fuck up?" Namjoon called, "We have places to be, remember?"

Hana rolled her eyes, "You don't have anything to lose, Darcy. It's safe,"

"Is it?" Darcy muttered.

"It's as safe as it gets," Hana said as a nurse was coming out of a room. 

"Oh, are you leaving Darcy?" Harley asked and glanced at Hana, "Nice to see you again,"

"Um, Darcy you can leave first," Hana said, "I have to talk to the nurse about something,"

"Hana, if you don't get your ass here now, I will-" Namjoon started.

"I have to speak with the nurse," Hana said looking over at him, "I can get back by myself,"

Namjoon narrowed his eyes at her, "Jin will wait in the car for you. Don't be too fucking long. We have-"

"Places to be. Yes, I know," Hana said and looked at the nurse, "Are you free to talk nurse?"

"Oh, um, yes," Harley said, flicking her eyes to Namjoon, "If it's ok for you to talk to me,"

"It's fine," Namjoon said, "Hurry up Darcy,"

Darcy looked at Hana before following the boys down the hall towards the lift. Hana let out a sigh and Harley led the way to an empty room. She closed the curtains and Hana sat down running her hand through her hair.

"Is everything ok?" Harley asked and she suddenly gasped, "You're pregnant aren't you!"

"What? No! I'm not pregnant," Hana exclaimed, "I take my pill and this isn't what I wanted to talk to you about,"

"Oh," Harley said, "You had me scared for a moment. What's wrong?"

"Jungkook said he sent some semen samples to you," Hana said, "Did you manage to get them to the lab?"

"They are still running them through the system but so far, they don't match anyone we have on our system," Harley said, "Hana, is there a reason why you are doing this?"

"When Hoseok...hurt me," Hana said, folding her arms, "I managed to take a swab of his semen. I know his DNA is in this system and I just wanted to know if it matched his,"

Harley let out a small sigh, "I can chase up the results but what if the police come along and ask me about why I have this sample?"

"Tell them to call me," Hana said getting to her feet, "Look, I want to find out who did that to Darcy and since she isn't talking, I have to use the skills I have to get ahead of the game,"

"This isn't your case,"

"So?" Hana said, "If Hoseok had anything to do with this, then I might be able to find out who did this. He was working with another gang and I need to stop them before they hurt someone else,"

"You never know how to switch off, Hana," Harley smiled, "I admire that about you but sometimes you need to get on a plane and disappear,"

"I will," Hana smiled, "Because once this case is closed, a lot of people will be after me and I won't be coming back for a very long time,"

Harley nodded, "And your brother?"

"No one knows about him," Hana said, "I'd like to keep it that way. My brother needs to finish his course and become a lawyer. He wants to go into criminal justice,"

"Shame he didn't want to be a cop," Harley said, "He would make a sexy cop,"

"Ok, that is gross," Hana said, "That's my brother!"

"I'm just being honest," Harley laughed, "I have always thought he was hot and-"

"I'm leaving," Hana said, "Message Jungkook when you get the results. Anything will help right now and maybe there was a skin sample on that piece of fabric I gave you,"

"You are very lucky my sister is a forensic scientist or none of this would be happening,"

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