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Hana flinched as Namjoon slammed his fist down onto the table and Jin tutted.

"Stop," Jin snapped, "She's in enough shock right now and doesn't need you to get angry. If she doesn't want to tell you then you can't force her,"

"Watch me," Namjoon said, "Someone hurt her and they need to pay. Why didn't you tell me when it happened? I could have helped you,"

"Why would you want to help me?" Hana whispered, "You only care about the money I've been making. Why would you give a shit about a hooker that was beaten and raped?"

Namjoon's lip twitched in anger, "Hana, it might seem like that to you but do you see me acting this way with anyone else? You are the only one I give my attention to and-"

"Should I feel fucking privileged that the big bad mafia boss is fucking me?" Hana said almost yelling, "You think you're so fucking special because people are scared of you. Cops are probably scared of you. Probably because they know you can kill them. Tell me Namjoon, how many cops have you killed and have you killed any recently? Because I'd rather not be-"

"Feel privileged that I fucking care that someone hurt you. I don't care," Namjoon said leaning back in his seat, "If it was anyone else, I'd track down the guy and let someone deal with him but with you? I want to be the one to fucking deal with them," He lifted his eyebrow "And to answer your questions about the cops, I've never fucking killed them. No one in my gang has killed a cop because they know what will happen if they do. Some are on my payroll sure, but why would I want to kill cops? They don't get in my way,"

Hana wiped her eyes and stared at her hands. Wonho's face popped into her head and realised that she had to get to the bottom of his case before that person came back for more. Hana swallowed some of her drink and went to get to her feet, but Jin kept her sitting.

"Let me go," She said, "I want to go home and-"

"Do you really want to go back to that place?" He asked, "After that happened to you?"

"Anywhere is better than being here right now," She whispered.

"You aren't going back home," Yoongi said and Hana looked at him, "We will drive you back to your flat, look around some more to see if we can find anything that shows who did this to you and you will stay with us,"

Hana's eyes went wide, "No! I won't be staying with you. I am not going to-"

"That just shows who did it," Yoongi said, "Even if you don't tell us, we know who did it. There's no point in trying to hide it,"

"I can't," She said, "And you can't fucking make me,"

Jin pushed open a door and motioned Hana inside, "This will be your room for the meantime. You have the bathroom just through that door and there is a mini-fridge as well, so you don't need to come down for food. If it makes you feel any better, there is a lock on the door so you can have a good nights sleep without having to worry about anyone coming in here,"

Hana dropped her bag onto the floor, "Isn't this a bit too much for a hooker?"

Jin smiled, "Maybe but I don't think you are any different from anyone else. Plus, Namjoon seems to want to keep you safe from whoever did this to you. Although the signs are written all over your face and body. You won't be able to keep it a secret forever,"


"I need to tell you something about Namjoon," Jin said closing the door behind him, "He has a hard exterior and mostly a hard interior, but when it comes to you, it's like he becomes putty. No one has seen him react like this around someone before so my guess is that he likes you more than he wants to admit. You are right, this is a bit too much for a hooker but Namjoon doesn't see it like that. He wants to keep you close whether it to be for sexual needs or to protect you, no one will know apart from Namjoon,"


"We follow what he says," Jin smiled, "Namjoon is a very good friend of mine and I would follow him to the end of the world, so when he is fascinated by something or in this case, someone, I will do as he says," 

Hana scoffed, "He's just doing this because he wants to show who is in control,"

Jin shrugged, "Maybe so but no one knows what goes on in that head of his. You have been the only girl so far to fight back and get away with it. Count yourself lucky that he hasn't tossed you away or killed you,"

"No one has the key to this door do they?" Hana muttered making Jin chuckle at her, "What?"

"No," He smiled, "Only you have the key and don't worry. Everyone in this house knows that if they come anywhere near this room or you without permission, their nuts will be in a vice. Staff included,"

"Then why is Namjoon letting you near me?"

Jin smiled and patted her head, "Namjoon knows that I would never hurt you. I'm gay, plus I threatened him about hurting you. Anyway, get some rest and I will send dinner up for you later. We are out tonight for some business, so if you need anything just let the maids know what you need,"

"You have maids?"

"Yes," Jin said, "Someone has to cook and clean for busy men. Unless you want me to cook you dinner then I will stay behind. It's not like they really need me. It has nothing to do with guns this time and...I'm talking too much. Sorry, you are trying not to yawn. Get some sleep and as I said, if you need anything, pick up the phone and get the maids to help you out,"

"Ok," Hana muttered, "Thanks. I guess,"

"Anytime, beautiful," Jin smiled, "Lock the door behind me,"

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