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The man dropped to the floor, screaming in pain, clutching the knee that was just shot.

Namjoon watched as Jimin holstered his gun and made his way over to the man crying on the floor. He checked his watch and looked up just in time to see Jimin stomp on the man's shot knee. Namjoon winced slightly and shook his head as the man screamed even louder.

"You were given more than enough time to pay us back," Jimin said, punching him in the face, with a grin on his face, "You even had the fucking cheek to try and make a run for it. A week extra to pay us, and you try to run out,"

"I-I have-" The man cried but Jimin put his finger against his lips.

"It's too late for that," Jimin said, shoving his face onto the floor, putting his foot on the side of the man's face, "Namjoon gets to decide what we will do with you,"

Namjoon sniffed slightly and walked over to the man still crying in pain. He stared down at the blood that was sinking into the carpet and he looked around the small flat that he had tried to hide in before his flight arrived.

"Hoseok, did you find any money?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah," Hoseok said, "Looks like the money he owed us,"

Namjoon squatted next to the man, "Did you honestly think that you could escape with the money you owed me?"

The man sobbed, "I was going to g-give it b-back before I l-left!"

"Don't lie to me," Namjoon snapped, "Don't fucking lie to me!"

Jimin pressed his weight further onto the man, "Tell the truth,"

Namjoon shook his head, "It's too late for the truth. You know the rules. You borrow from me, you die,"

The man tried to cry for help but his screams were soon muffled by Namjoon stuffing his gun into his mouth. The bullet made quick work of his death and embedded itself in the wall behind him. Namjoon stood up and wiped the spray of blood from his face and looked at Jin.

"Burn it down," He said walking out of the small flat, "Make sure the whole building fucking burns,"

Hana sat on the sofa with a blanket covering her body, her face only showing as she watched TV.

It had been a few days since she had gotten drunk and ended up fucking Namjoon, the guy she was supposed to be investigating. She still hadn't got over how good he made her feel but she felt dirty and wished she had put up more of a fight.

Even though she was supposed to get close to the group, she didn't expect to get that close.

When they had left the room, it was like she was doing the walk of shame. Her knickers had been ripped so she had to walk past his friends without them. Her body was still burning from the sex and she had to ignore the looks they were giving her.

Hana managed to hold her head high as she swayed her hips past them and clenched her fists at the suggestions Jimin was throwing out. In a way, she was lucky that Darcy was at the bar getting a drink because she grabbed hold of her and dragged her out of the bar as quickly as she possibly could.

Darcy didn't ask what had happened but Hana knew she had figured out. There were bite marks and hickeys on her neck.

Hana hadn't stepped back onto the street since her encounter with Namjoon and she didn't want to. She had sent a few messages to Jungkook to tell him she had a few days off but there was no doubt in her mind that a pimp would try to break down her door and drag her back onto the streets.

As Hana changed the channel, there was a knock on the door and her heart jumped into her throat. She pulled the blanket over her face and hoped the person would just go away, but they carried on knocking.

"Fuck sake," She muttered and threw the blanket away from her and headed to the door. She yanked it open not caring for what she was wearing, "What?"

"That's no way to talk to your boss," Yoongi said, glaring at her, "Why aren't you working?"

Hana's mouth went dry, "I-I don't feel w-well,"

Yoongi lifted his eyebrow and put his hand on her forehead, making her flinch, "Do you think I could hurt you?"

"I don't trust anyone," Hana whispered, "Why are you touching me?"

"You have a slight temperature," He said, "Go lay down,"


"Don't make me tell you again," Yoongi said and Hana turned around and headed to the bedroom with Yoongi following her, "You are a very clean person. Some of the other girl's places are horrible,"

Hana didn't say anything and she got under her cover. Yoongi pushed the window open and leaned on the wall, looking down at her not saying anything. For Hana, it was worrying that he was just staring and not saying anything.

With a sigh, Yoongi shook his head, "You might not want to believe it, but I deal with the prostitutes that work on my street. I have guys keeping an eye on them. I make sure that you are all working and giving me money,"

"But you let them beat the girls?"

"That can't be helped," Yoongi shrugged, "I find out and they don't return,"

"Do you kill them?"

"You ask a lot of questions for a hooker," Yoongi said moving to the side of the bed, "What I do with them is none of your concern,"

"It is if they come back wanting revenge on the girl that snitched on them," Hana said, "Bishop. The first pimp I had a run-in with. What if he comes back to-"

"Bishop is dead, Hana," Yoongi said, "And the police won't ever find his body. If you want to know, then fine. The pimps that beat up on my girls die. Painfully I might add. Those guys are never found because we have a nice way of getting rid of them,"

"How?" Hana asked quietly. If she knew his secrets, it could help bring them down.

Yoongi chuckled, "Get some sleep, Hana. Namjoon might like how you fuck and deal with your clients, but you still have a lot to prove,"

"He's your boss. Trust his words," Hana said, challenging him.

Yoongi leaned down and grabbed her chin tightly, making her sit up "I trust his words, beautiful. I don't trust you just yet. Remember Hana, I have people watching my girls. Even if you don't see them; they are watched. That includes you,"

Hana gulped, "S-sorry for upsetting y-you,"

Yoongi smirked, "You didn't upset me beautiful. Just know your place. I'll be back tomorrow night and I expect to see you resting. If you feel better, then get that sweet ass of yours on the street and bring in the money. Understand?"

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