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Darcy stood beside Hana and kept laughing at how she was reacting to the dress she was made to wear.

"This is not funny!" Hana said, "Every time I move, my nipples want to say hey!"

"You have your boobs taped. You'll be fine and stop looking so awkward," She giggled, "Don't forget who you are right now,"

"I'm damn uncomfortable and I'm freezing my ass off," She muttered, "I can't believe I have to do this,"

"Namjoon is full of surprises," Darcy said, "At least I can come this time and we can look out for each other,"

Hana sighed, "I don't want to be paraded around as one of his best hookers. I'm not a hooker,"

"Which is why you have to pretend you are interested in Namjoon," Darcy said, "Make sure that you don't let anyone sweep you away. Unless of course, it's Suga and then you have no choice,"

"What is this club anyway?"

"It's their biggest one in town," Darcy said flicking away her cigarette, "They do the dodgy deals behind closed doors but it still gets a lot of revenue from the people visiting to drink and dance. I have seen drug deals and normal people sniff crack off a girl's tits but that is normal in these type of clubs,"

"Great," Hana muttered, "Just what a cop needs to see,"

"If it gets you the evidence you need then you need to be there,"

Hana groaned, "Why did I have to be the only female on the squad?"

"Hey, you look hot and I'm sure that if there was another female, you'd still look better in the outfits you have," Darcy said elbowing her, "Are you glad you had a shot before we came down?"

"Yeah, but I didn't have enough!"

"They are driving towards us," Darcy said, "Remember to just do as you are told. Don't take drinks from people you don't know and don't get into any fights,"

"Yes, mum," Hana rolled her eyes, "I can say the same thing to you but you aren't Namjoon's damn target,"

The car stopped in front of them and Hana's heart began to race, making her feel sick. The door opened and Hoseok and Jimin got out, smirking at them both.

"Ladies," Jimin said.

"Ugh," Hana said and Darcy elbowed her, "What was that for?"

"Behave," She said under her breath and climbed into the car. Hana gritted her teeth and slid onto the seats not giving the boys a glance at her underwear. Namjoon smiled widely at her and patted the seat next to him.

Hana let out a sigh making him chuckle and moved to sit next to him. Darcy rolled her eyes and Jin handed her a glass of champagne. Hana happily accepted when he offered her and she downed it in one go.

"I'd calm down on the drinking," Namjoon said running his finger up the inside of her thigh, "I have plans for you tonight,"

"Don't you always?" Hana said fluttering her eyelashes at him, "But you know I don't make it easy,"

"I've already told you, beautiful," Namjoon said grabbing her jaw, "I like a challenge,"

"You look great," Jin said glaring at Namjoon, "Has he told you what he wants you to do tonight?"

"No," Hana said, "When does he ever?"

"Watch your tongue," Yoongi said, "Or shall I rip it out for you?"

Hana pressed her lips together and shook her head, seeing Darcy roll her eyes.

"One of our clients is cheating us out of money," Hoseok said, "Playing poker. He's a cheat and we want you to help,"

"How so?" Hana asked.

"He's a sucker for a girl wearing what you are wearing," Jimin smirked, "But then again, so am I,"

"During the game, we need you to distract him," Jin said, "Doesn't matter how. Spill a drink on him. Brush his face with your tits, anything,"

"How is that meant to prove he is cheating?"

"He hides cards in his sleeves," Namjoon said running his hand further up her thigh and she pressed them together, "He will want to touch you. When he does you grab his wrist and you do something,"

"Wait," Hana said looking at Namjoon, "Something? What do you mean?"

Namjoon leaned forward putting his face in hers, "I'm giving you permission to hit him,"

"Do I get permission to hit you?" Hana whispered and he grabbed her hair, yanking her head back, exposing her neck to him. She winced and squeezed her eyes shut.

"You are lucky that we aren't the only ones in this limo, or I would show you what happens when you mouth off to me," Namjoon said almost growling at her, "Next time that smart mouth of yours opens like that, I'll skip handing you over to Yoongi and I'll let Jimin take you. How does that sound?"

"Fucking brilliant to me," Jimin said, "Why not hand her over to me anyway? I don't care if people watch me fucking her,"

"You won't touch her," Yoongi said, "I have rules for a reason,"

"I won't break them this time," Jimin said, "I'd want her to come back for more,"

"Do you understand now, beautiful?" Namjoon said.

"Y-yes," Hana said and he let go of her hair. She scowled at him and rubbed her scalp, "Do you know how long it took to get my hair to look decent?"

"It will only be ruined by the end of the night," Namjoon rolled his eyes, "Do as you are told and you won't be in trouble,"

"Yes, sir," Hana whispered mocking him. Darcy went to smack her face but quickly covered it up by running her hand through her hair. Hana bit into her lip to hide a smile and stared at her thighs, trying not to laugh at Darcy's reaction.

The car jerked to a stop and the boys climbed out leaving Hana and Darcy in the limo.

"Do you have a fucking death wish?" Darcy hissed out quietly, "Because that is what getting with Jimin is like!"

"I'm sorry!" Hana whispered back, "I couldn't hold my tongue!"

"You better learn to tonight because you do not want to be handed to Jimin," She hissed and climbed out of the car.

Hana let out a quiet groan and slid across the seats, being helped out of the car by Namjoon. He reached around and grabbed her ass.

"Be a good girl for me, beautiful," He said, "Or this pretty ass of yours will be red raw by the morning,"

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