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The door closed and Namjoon got up from the bed, running his hands through his hair. Hana pushed herself into her elbows and gulped at the dark look he had spread across his face that she didn't dare say anything.

Namjoon turned to face her and she flinched slightly making him sigh, "Why did you flinch?"

"I don't know," She said quietly.

"Why didn't you tell me the truth when I asked?"

"Because I happen to like my life," Hana muttered and sat up properly, "He said he would do worse and then kill me,"

"If you had just told me the truth from the start, I would have killed him,"

"You'd kill your friend?" Hana asked, "Why would-"

"Because I told you I'd kill anyone for you," He said leaning over her, "It started with Bishop and it won't end at Bishop,"

Hana frowned, "But I'm just-"

"I fucking know that!" Namjoon snapped, "You think I'm not aware that you are...were a hooker. For fuck sake Hana, you've made me confused and I fucking hate it. No one has made me feel like this and it's making me lose my god damn mind,"

Hana's heart skipped and she ignored the feeling and scratched her palms. If only he knew who the real Hana was.

"Fuck," He muttered, "Are you going to tell me what you and Jimin were talking about?"


"Why the fuck not?" Namjoon said, grabbing hold of her face, squeezing gently, "I own you,"

"No one owns me," She said, matching his glare, "If I tell you what we spoke about then Hoseok will get away with trying to kill Jimin,"

Namjoon frowned, "Why would he want to kill him? We've known each other years,"

"Yet you'd still kill him...for me,"

"Point taken," Namjoon sighed, "I will find out what you spoke about,"

"Maybe but I won't be telling you and neither will Jimin,"

"So, now you are buddy's with him?"

Hana rolled her eyes and pushed his hand away from her face, "If you have nothing else to discuss with me, I should get back to work,"

"Was Erin lying?"

"Are you that fucking stupid?" Hana said and quickly pressed her lips together as his face darkened, "Sorry, I just-"

Namjoon grabbed hold of her wrist and yanked her into his body. He smirked as he ran his thumb over her bottom lip and she saw him swallow.

"Guess I could do with relaxing before breakfast," He said just above a whisper, "And I've been dying to have those pretty lips wrapped around my dick again,"

Hana felt her face burn and she couldn't help but look away from him. Namjoon chuckled and kissed the base of her neck making her shiver.

"On. Your. Knees," He growled into her ear, "Don't fight me on this beautiful,"

Namjoon watched Hoseok joke around with his friends and he had to clench his fists from going over to him and shooting.

"Namjoon," Hana said and he averted his gaze to her.


"I need to go back to the flat," She said, "I also want to have some free time and see Darcy,"


"Why not!" Hana said and the others turned to face them, "That's unfair. I've been stuck in this place for a week and I still don't-"

"If you carry on arguing with me, I will fuck you in front of my friends," Namjoon said and Hana pressed her lips together.

"Namjoon," Jin said, "Hana has a point. She needs clothes and she needs to see her friend,"

"I didn't ask for your input,"

"Prick," Hana said under her breath and Namjoon smirked.

"I heard that," He said and she bit into her lip, "You know what happens to that mouth of yours when you say shit like that,"

"You fuck it until I struggle to breathe," Hana whispered so only Namjoon could hear.

"Yeah and if you carry on fighting with me, I'll-"

"I'm not going to stop fighting you," Hana said, and the doorbell went.

"Get the door," Namjoon said smacking her on her ass hard enough to make her yelp, "Don't stare at me like that. Answer the fucking door,"

Hana scowled at him as she walked out the room rubbing her ass.

"Slave?" Yoongi said, "Namjoon, you're acting like she's your fucking girlfriend,"

"She isn't!" Namjoon said, "Whatever. Have you found who that cop is?"

"Ok. We are changing the subject," Yoongi tutted, "No. The cops you pay don't know who it is either. I have my girls listening in. A few fuck cops so I'm sure we will get something soon,"

The door opened and Hana came in but he was quickly on his feet with a gun pointed at the person behind her.

"I didn't think you had the balls," Namjoon smirked.

"Showing up at our house means you don't mind dying," Jin said.

The man laughed, "I didn't think you kept your hookers at your place,"

"I wouldn't touch her," Yoongi said.

"So she is one of your girls still?"

"No," Namjoon said, "She is mine,"

"The big Mr Kim Namjoon has a girl? How interesting," He grinned and Hana gasped as he pressed the gun harder against the side of her head. Then proceeded to grope her breasts making Hana grit her teeth.

"Hands. Off," Namjoon said through gritted teeth.

"If you want to talk, then talk," Jimin said, "But do you know how annoying it is to get blood off this carpet?"

"I want those documents back,"

"Funny. So do we," Hoseok said, "Drop the girl. We had a deal,"

"No, you had a gun pointed at my nuts," The man snapped, "If you don't give me back what is mine, I will shoot-ugh!"

Namjoon stood in awe as Hana threw her head back, cracking it against the mans nose. She grabbed his wrist and he screamed as she bent it the wrong way making him drop the gun. Hana tucked her arm under his armpit and threw him over her shoulder making him grunt in pain. Before the man could do anything she dropped her knee into his chest and pressed his own gun into his mouth.

"Holy shit," Yoongi said quietly.

"If you ever put your hands on me again," Hana said taking the safety from the gun, "I will paint the walls with your fucking brain,"

"That...that was fucking hot," Yoongi said looking over at Namjoon, "You wanna share?"

"What?" Namjoon said, "Wait, no I don't want to fucking share! Jimin. Get the fucker down to the basement. Hana...my bedroom. Now,"

A/N: it's 2 am. I'm wide awake. If you point out any mistakes I'll just tell you to fuck off or go suck your mum 🙃

Anyway~ (you can tell I'm tired)

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Stay weird <33

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