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Hana held back her tears as she clapped her brother walking across the stage to pick up his scroll for completing his law degree. Jungkook stood beside her cheering as loud as his friends were. She watched her brother shake everyone's hands with a big grin on his face and he almost skipped off the stage and back to his seat. He looked up at where she was standing with Jungkook and he waved blowing them both a kiss.

"I can't believe he did it," Hana said and Jungkook pulled her into him, "He finally did it. After everything that has happened, he managed to keep focused and completed his degree,"

"Taehyung is like you. Focused and stubborn no matter what the situation," Jungkook said with a smile, "Although, I was doubtful for a while. Especially when he moved in with me for a while when you first started that case. All he did was go out and-"

"He told me he was studying,"

"Guess he lied then," Jungkook laughed, "But it doesn't matter. He's completed the course and with one of the best results. Taehyung will be a great lawyer,"

"Yeah," Hana said softly, "It's just a shame that our parents aren't there to see him graduate,"

A few hours later, Taehyung was running over to his sister and lifting her into his arms.

"I did it!" He said, "I finally graduated!"

"I'm so proud of you," Hana said hugging him back, "Mum and dad would be so proud of you. I can't believe my baby brother can now become a lawyer,"

Taehyung laughed and put her down, "Yeah well I couldn't have done it without you,"

"So cheesy," Hana smiled, "We should get some of the free booze before it goes,"

"Sounds good to me," Jungkook said.

"I just have to make a call," Taehyung said, "I'll be right back,"

"Don't be too long," Hana said, "I can't stand your friends, especially when they are drinking,"

"You just don't like them flirting with you and neither do I," Taehyung muttered, "I'll kick their asses if they try anything like last time,"

Jungkook threw his arm around Hana's shoulders, "Or we just tell them that this woman is now dating Namjoon?"

Taehyung scoffed, "They don't even know who that bastard is and as if they'd believe you. They still think this loser is a cop,"

"No one is meant to know about Namjoon so don't talk about it," Hana said elbowing Jungkook in the ribs, "If you can't see, there are loads of cops over there who probably don't like him,"

"Meh," Taehyung said, "No one likes him,"


"I'm only telling the truth. I still don't accept him as someone you are with and for obvious reasons, you can't blame me, can you?" He said, "Just go and get a drink. I need to make this call,"

Namjoon leaned on his car and blew out a puff of smoke, checking his watch. Beside him stood Jin and Jimin. Yoongi was walking back and forth muttering under his breath and chain-smoking.

"He is late," Yoongi said.

"We have time," Namjoon said.

"This is bullshit. We can't keep waiting for him," Yoongi said, flicking his cigarette away.

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