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"The more you fight, the more I enjoy it," 

Hana looked up from her bloody hands, scowling at Jooheon looking down at her bleeding on the floor. She had lost the energy to fight him with words but still fought with all she had, punching and kicked the men he used to beat her.

"All you have to do is tell me everything you know about Namjoon's business and the beating will stop," Jooheon said folding his arms, "Just tell me about the next business deal and where it's going to happen,"

"I-I don't know," Hana forced out, her throat burning, blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. She pushed herself to sit up properly using the wall to lean against. Her body was screaming in pain, cut and bruised with dry and new blood painting her skin. The shirt she wore was no longer white, covered in blood and dirt. 

Jooheon sighed through his nose, "Alright. Don't tell me. Shownu, get Seunho. I'm sure he knows how to get women to talk,"

Hana couldn't widen her eyes and she felt the only fight left in her drain to nothing. Her body relaxed as much it would allow her. Beside her, Erin laid barely conscious breathing heavily and the wound on her head was deep but not deep enough to let her bleed to death.

"This is your last chance," Jooheon said, "I'd rather not have to use him but you are forcing me to,"

"I don't know anything," Hana whispered, wiping the blood from her mouth, "I was kept away from all of that. Why don't you believe me?"

"You were good at lying about your identity. What makes you think I'd believe you?"

Hana coughed and shook her head, "They took me to the house for one thing only,"

Jooheon rolled his eyes, "Yes. For him to fuck you senseless, but he fell in love with you Hana. I can tell you one thing about Namjoon because we were friends. He has never felt that way towards someone before and since you are special to him, I'm sure he has told you what happens in his gang,"

"They kill people. They make people kill their family. That's all I know," Hana winced, "You were in their gang. You should know that they sell guns and what happens,"

"Sir," Shownu said, coming back into the room "Seunho isn't here. He had a family emergency,"

"This is your lucky day," Jooheon said, "Changkyun and Shownu will take you to another room. You can clean your wounds and change your clothes. As much as I enjoy seeing you in just that shirt and covered in blood, I'd rather you be clean for when I get you in my bed,"

Hana lifted her heavy arm and sent him the middle finger, making him laugh and leave the room. Her arm dropped to the floor and she tried to take a deep breath, but her lungs burnt in pain.

"Grab, Erin," Shownu said, "I'll carry Hana,"

Hana groaned in pain and a hand touched her shoulder gently, making her stay laying down. 

"It's best you don't move," Shownu said quietly and she opened her eyes, "You need to get as much sleep as you can so you can heal properly,"

"Working for both gangs is a death sentence," Hana whispered and put her hand to her forehead.

Shownu smiled, "True but I've always followed Namjoon with whatever he does,"

"Then why are you here?"

"Doing what you were doing," Shownu said, dabbing away the blood from her cheek, "Getting as much information as I could to bring Jooheon down. It never used to be like this. Jooheon was good friends with Namjoon and I don't know what happened, but it changed. He decided that Namjoon wasn't suitable to run the gang and when he tried to cause problems, Namjoon told him to fuck off,"

"How are you feeling?" Changkyun said sitting down next to Shownu.

"Like death," Hana sighed.

"You were lucky that he stopped the beatings," He said, "We'll do our best to look after you but you need to help yourself,"

Hana nodded, "How is Erin?"

"Drugged up on painkillers. I've left her to sleep in the other bed," Changkyun said, "Hana please stop arguing with him. You are lucky he has only beaten you and not-"

"Just tell him what he wants to hear," Shownu said, "Namjoon will understand,"

"No," Hana said, "I'm not telling him shit because I don't know shit,"

They sighed and shook their heads, glancing at each other.

"Did you want to know how everyone is?" Shownu said, "How your brother and friend are doing?"

"Taehyung is probably struggling," Hana said, closing her eyes again, "Jungkook is probably doing everything he can to help,"

"Taehyung hasn't eaten properly since you were taken. He isn't sleeping either but you are right. He is struggling," Changkyun said, "Even Namjoon is becoming soft for your brother,"

"Taehyung has always had that ability," Hana said, "When we were kids he used to get away with a lot due to his cute face and puppy dog eyes,"

"Namjoon isn't doing well either," Shownu said, "He isn't eating, he isn't sleeping and he barely goes home. He is always on the streets and using every resource he has to find you. He even turned his back on Yongguk which was probably a bad idea,"

"I think it was a good idea. Yongguk has been at the top for too long and thinks he puts the fear in everyone," Changkyun said, "Namjoon is the one that does that,"

"Why can't you tell Namjoon where I am?" Hana asked, opening an eye to look at them.

"Jooheon has this place on lockdown and we were lucky enough to find a computer to email them," Shownu said, "If Jimin has any brains he can track that email here,"

"Fingers crossed,"

"I do know one thing," Changkyun said getting to his feet, "They have one of Seunho's daughters,"

"What?" Hana asked trying to sit up, "They are using-"

"They will do whatever they can to bring you home," Shownu said, "They love you for who you are, not for the job you do,"

"Shit," Hana said, "How did they find out he had daughters?"

"Taehyung," Changkyun said frowning, "He happens to be in one of their classes and he suggested they use her to bring you home,"


"That's all we know. Get some sleep. There are clean clothes over there and when you feel strong enough, there is a shower through that door," Shownu said, "We have to get back to Jooheon but we will check up on you,"

"Stay strong Hana. This will be over soon,"

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