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After a week of healing, Hana was back at Namjoon's place going through the results she was sent forensics. She was sitting on her bed in a white shirt she stole from Namjoon and a pair and her underwear. Hana had told everyone to leave her alone while she tried to focus on the case but she knew that someone was going to bother her.

It just wouldn't be her brother or Jungkook.

Harley had called her saying that she needed to see the results her sister had found and Hana told her she would get there as soon as she could. Hana just wanted to go through her findings first to see if the results would link up to what she had.

There was a knock on the door and she called them in. Hana glanced up to see Namjoon wearing an expensive suit, his hair swept back from his face. The closer he got, she smelt his aftershave a small hint of cigarettes and beer.

"Are you busy?" He asked.

"I could do with a break," Hana said and he sat on the end of his bed, his eyes zeroing in between her legs. Hana tutted and unfolded them making him chuckle, "What can I do for you?"

"I was thinking,"

"Can't be good," Hana said.

Namjoon shot her a look, "Fuck you, Hana,"

"You already did. Last night," She smirked and he tutted, "Namjoon, seriously, what do you want?"

"We haven't found Erin," He sighed, "Jimin thinks that she has gone to Jooheon and is telling him everything. If they find out that you are a cop they won't hesitate to kill you. But, knowing Jooheon and his gang, they won't kill you first,"

"You're worried for me?"

"Obviously," Namjoon muttered, "I don't know why because we are enemies. If I hadn't fallen for you, you'd be at the bottom of the ocean with your chest cavity popped and tied down to a concrete block,"

"So that's how you do it," Hana said, "It's kinda weird that you are worried about me. I don't think I'm used to seeing the soft side of you,"

"Tell me about it,"

"It's only when you sleep that you look relatively normal or soft,"

"Don't get used to it," Namjoon said getting to his feet, "I still need to decide what to do with you once everything is-"

The sudden darkness stopped him from talking and he cursed under his breath. Hana climbed out of bed and he put his hand on her chest to stop her from moving. She spotted him pull his gun from his holster and she looked up at him.

"We may have a slight problem," He said quietly, "Stay in your room and don't open the door to anyone. If someone breaks the door down without calling out who it is, shoot. Just in the leg. It could be us,"

Hana nodded, "What about my brother? And Jungkook?"

"I'm sure they can look after each other," Namjoon said, "Stay here. I'll be right back,"

"What is going on?"

"Just...behave for once. Please," Namjoon said.

"Only because you said please,"

"And when this is over, I'll punish that smart mouth of yours by fucking it," He said leaving Hana alone in the room.

She rushed around and shoved the documents in a bag and shoved it under the bed, before grabbing her gun getting ready just in case. Hana's heart was in her throat as she tried to figure out what was going on. She bit into her lip and went to the window, moving the curtain slightly.

"Fuck," She muttered when she saw a line of black cars, all the windows blacked out. Men in suits were standing there with SMG's and she let out a shaky breath when someone with blue hair stepped out of the car.


The door opened and Taehyung rushed in followed by Jungkook. The closed the door quietly and went over to her.

"We need to get out of here. Now," Jungkook said, "Jooheon cut all the electricity. They broke through the security and Jin said he is after you,"

"Shit," Hana said, "How are we meant to get out? He has his men out the front and they have SMG's. Even if we get out of this place, we are going to die. I can't risk sending my brother out there. He has no training at all,"

"I'm happy hiding in the wardrobe," Taehyung said and there was a loud gunshot, "Or sitting on the toilet because I almost pooped myself,"

"Get in the bathroom," Hana said pushing him slightly, "Make sure you don't make a noise. Stay in there until Namjoon or the others come and get you. Jungkook go with him,"

"And leave you alone?" He said, "No chance,"

"Taehyung, please," Hana said, "I don't want you to get-"

"And I don't want you to get hurt," He hissed quietly, "I'm done with sitting on the back burner just waiting to find out that you are-"

"Guys," Jungkook said quietly, "There is no time to argue,"

Jungkook grabbed Taehyung and pulled him into the bathroom, closing the door over just enough for him to look out into the room. Hana lifted her gun up as the door opened and a flash of blue hair came into her vision. 

"What can I do for you, Jooheon?" She said as calmly as she could.

Jooheon smirked and clicked his fingers. Hana's eyes went wide as Jin was thrown into the room, bleeding from his shoulder.

"I think we need to talk. Don't you?" He grinned.

"About what?"

"A little hoe told me who you really were," He said, stepping over Jin, "I have to say, whilst living here you have made yourself a few enemies,"

"Erin was just jealous that Namjoon had more interest in me than her," Hana said, "What did she tell you?"

"Not much," He said, "Other than you were good friends with some cops, you were trying to bring me down and you have been lying about your identity for months,"

"I didn't think a little hoe could speak that much," Hana said, "Considering that her mouth is only good for sucking dick,"

Jooheon chuckled, "I like you, Hana. But, I will need you to come with me,"

"I'd rather not,"

"This can go either two ways," Jooheon said losing his smile, "You come with me voluntarily, or I kill every fucking person in this house. Including your brother,"

Hana glared at him, tightening the grip on her gun, "There is another option,"

"Amuse me,"

"I shoot you and your friends," Hana said, "And trust me, I have a very good fucking aim,"

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