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Hana was curled up next to Jungkook trying to get some sleep. He had his arm tucked under his arm and an arm across her waist holding her tightly on the small bed they had to share. She had tried her best to rest but her mind was working overdrive.

She felt guilty that Jungkook was bruised and hurt. He kept telling her that he was ok and that he wasn't in any pain but she knew he was lying. Hana just wanted Namjoon to let Jungkook go because this had nothing to do with him.

It was between Hana and Namjoon.

Hana sighed slightly and Jungkook groaned in his sleep, like he knew she was still awake. He lifted the hand tucked around her waist and rubbed his eyes before opening them.

"You're still awake," He mumbled, "You need to sleep,"

"I'm trying,"

Jungkook yawned and stretched his arm above his head wincing, "My body feels so stiff,"

"You don't smell too fresh either,"

"Neither do you," Jungkook said smiling slightly and he shook his head, "I'm worried about Taehyung,"

"So am I," Hana whispered, "He's probably so worried right now. I haven't messaged him in a while and I don't know how long it's been since you went home,"

"Things will work out. Taehyung isn't stupid. Plus, I did tell him that if I don't come home it's because I hooked up with a hot girl," Jungkook said and poked Hana's cheek, "It's partly true. We just haven't hooked up,"

Hana rolled her eyes and hugged him, burying her face into his chest trying to not cry. Jungkook hugged her back and patted her head.

"We could always do a great escape. You know your way round the place and I know how to pick locks,"

"You do?"

"Yeah but I won't tell you how I know that. I'm a cop now,"

Hana chuckled slightly and shook her head, "I feel like a failure. I'm not a good cop. If I was then this wouldn't be happening. I wouldn't have fallen in love with the suspect and Wonho's murderer would be behind bars already,"

"Hana, I don't like the idea of you falling in love with Namjoon but what can you do?" Jungkook muttered quietly, "Shit happens and I don't think you're a failure of a cop. You are the best damn cop on the squad despite what the others think of you. You are tougher than all the men on the squad, not me of course, and you know how to handle yourself. If anything, you are an inspiration and role model,"

"I wish I could agree with you," Hana said, "Wonho would be so disappointed,"

"Enough talking out your fucking ass," Jungkook snapped, "Wonho would be proud of you. He would agree with me and if you carry on talking shit then I will have to spank you,"

Hana found herself laughing at his words and she looked up at his bright red face.

"Don't look at me like that!" Jungkook exclaimed, "I don't know why I said it,"

"If that's what you are into, then you have no judgement from me," She smiled, "Cant day that spanking turns me off,"

"I will push you out of this bed," Jungkook said, "I'm so embarrassed,"

"I'm sure you've spanked girls before. You have the perfect hands to do it,"

"Hana!" Jungkook said, and pushed her out of the bed, "I'm going to die of embarrassment,"

Hana rubbed her ass as she stood up and she looked down at Jungkook covering his face, "How many spanks do you give if a girl has been naughty?"

"Kill me now. Send in Namjoon and tell him to kill me,"

"Jungkook," Hana said rubbing her arm, "I'm sorry that I got you into this mess,"

"You didn't get me into this mess," He said, "I offered to help you because I wanted to help bring them down. You are my friend and you always have been. You always had my back when I went through training so I will always have yours now. This isn't your fault,"

"If you say so,"

"Jesus," Jungkook said, "It's cold in here,"

Hana nodded, "Guess they don't want us to be comfortable,"

"Yeah and I guess they want to see me struggle,"

"What do you mean?" Hana frowned.

"Your nipples have gone hard,"

Hana quickly folded her arms in front of her breasts and kicked Jungkook in the leg, "Pervert,"

"I'm a man, Hana," He said sitting up, "You're hot. What do you expect?"

"You not to get a boner over my hard nipples!"

"It's too cold to get one!" He exclaimed, "My dick is so cold it's shrivelled up inside me. I'm worried that I'm becoming female! I want my dick to hang free but it's too damn scared of the cold!"

Hana tried not to laugh but she ended up laughing with Jungkook. No matter what the situation, he always made her smile or laugh. She sat back down on the bed and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Maybe you should use the lock picking skills tonight," She said, "I don't want to be in this room anymore,"

"Sounds like a good idea...if you can get me something to pick the lock," He said putting his arm around her shoulder, "Someone is coming and from the stomps of their feet, they aren't happy,"

The door was unlocked and pushed open. Namjoon walked in with Jin and Yoongi. Their normally handsome features were hard and they were staring at them.

Namjoon's face darkened when he saw Jungkook wrap his other arm around her, trying to protect her.

"You can leave," Namjoon said, "Jungkook. You can leave,"


"I've told you that I wasn't the one to kill your friend so you can leave," Namjoon said, "On one condition. If I help you find who did this to your friend, you leave us alone. You don't have shit on us anyway but it's...fuck. It's the least I can do,"

"And what about Hana?" Jungkook asked, "Will you let her go?"

Hana saw Namjoon swallow and he breathed out slowly.

"Once we find who did this to your friend," Namjoon said, "Then if she wants to go, she can. I...I will have to let her go,"

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