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Namjoon couldn't help but watch Hana's every move as she paid attention to the man cheating in the game. As he suspected, he was all over her but never once put a hand on her. He paid extra attention to her pouring his drinks and flirted with her.

Namjoon rolled his eyes when he offered Namjoon money so that she could leave the street and be with him. Of course, Namjoon wasn't going to let her go. Hana has caught his attention and he was going to keep her for as long as he wanted.

Jimin was pissed off and kept tapping his foot on the floor. Every time his drink finished he clicked his fingers making Hana get another one, making Namjoon smirk. His friend thought Hana wasn't going to get punished for causing a scene, but he was wrong. Namjoon was going to wait until this was over before he decided on what to do to her.

A glass smashing made the boys lift their eyes from their cards, and Namjoon clenched his fists trying to control his temper. The man chuckled at Hana picking up the glass she dropped.

"I'm sorry baby," He said, "But that ass was begging to be touched,"

Hana didn't say anything but she looked at Namjoon who nodded slightly. She picked the last of the broken glass up and got to her feet, rolling her neck.

"What do you say we leave and have some fun?" The man said tapping her on the ass, "I've won enough money for me to show you a good time,"

He went to grab her wrist but she moved quicker. Even Namjoon was shocked at how quickly she moved. She grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind his arm, slamming him face first into the glass on his table, making him grunt in pain.

Hana twisted his wrist more making him scream and pushed his sleeves up revealing the cards Namjoon had been waiting to see.

"I'm sorry baby," Hana said making him scream louder as she twisted his fingers, "I don't like cheats,"

"N-Namjoon!" The man cried out, "Get this bitch off me!"

"Hana," Namjoon said and Hana let him go stepping away from him. Darcy grabbed hold of her and stood in the corner of the room.

"What is wrong with her?!"

"You seem to be mistaken," Namjoon said, "The question should be: what is wrong with you?"


Namjoon smirked, "Did you honestly think that you could fool me and my boys? We've been onto you for months. I've known about your cheating since we first started playing poker,"

"She planted the cards!"

Hana scoffed and Darcy elbowed her. Namjoon got to his feet and his friends followed suit walking to the man cradling his wrist.

"But we aren't here to target your cheating," Namjoon said pulling a tissue from his pocket "Wipe your face. The blood is starting to annoy me,"

"I didn't cheat!"

"Then what are the cards?" Hoseok grinned, "Hana couldn't have hid the cards on her body because she has nowhere to hide them in that dress,"

"What do you want? Just let me go and I'll never cheat again!" The man hissed and Jimin grabbed hold of his wrist, making him screech in pain.

"Stop talking or I will tear your throat out," Jimin growled slightly.

"Where are you hiding the documents?" Jin asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," The man hissed.

"Jimin. Let him go," Namjoon said, "Hana. Come here,"

He noticed her hesitation and he glared at her. Darcy pushed her forward slightly and she walked over to him. Namjoon slid his arm around her waist and stood her in front of him, pressing himself against her.

"My beautiful girl," He said, "I want you to get the man to talk,"

"H-how?" Hana asked and Namjoon chuckled, "I'm not killing him,"

"You don't need to kill him," Yoongi tutted, "That's not your job as a hooker,"

Hana's eyes went wide, "You want me to sleep with him?"

"Just get him to talk," Namjoon said kissing her neck and glared at the man, "Those documents are important and I'm willing to share you for as long as he lasts,"

The man laughed, "Using the girl because you're not strong enough?"

Namjoon gritted his teeth and Hana gasped as his fingers dug into her waist, "Have it your way. Jin. Give Hana your gun,"

"I don't think that's a good idea," Jin said, "You can't make her kill him,"

"Give the gun to Hana,"

Jin sighed and handed his gun over, "You don't have to kill him,"

"She will do as I tell her," Namjoon snapped, "Hana put the gun against his dick,"

Hana bit into her lip and pressed it down hard.

"If you don't tell me where those documents are, I will get her to shoot you. But don't worry, she won't kill you. That pleasure will be mine," Namjoon said.

"I don't have them!"

"Where are they!" Namjoon yelled making Hana flinch, "Tell me where the fucking documents are!"

"I handed them over to a cop!"

"Shoot him, Hana,"

Hana shook her head, "No,"

Namjoon grabbed hold of her hand and pressed his finger against hers, "You are already in a lot of trouble. So if you don't pull the trigger, when we leave this room I will let Jimin fuck you. Do you understand?"

"I can't shoot him!"

Namjoon tutted and shoved Hana out of the way. Jin quickly caught her before she fell and he glared at Namjoon.

"The name. What is the cop called?" Yoongi said shaking his head, "The more you fight, the more pain you'll be in,"

"Fuck," The man said wincing as Namjoon presses the gun down harder, "I didn't get his name. He works in the police station near the city central. Tall, slightly overweight and has his fingers in all the right places. If you touch him, then the police you pay will turn against you,"

"Call him," Namjoon said, "I want you to arrange a meeting with him next week. Tell him to bring the documents or I will burn him and anyone he knows alive,"

"I'll try," The man said looking at the gun pressed against his nuts.

"As for you!" Namjoon said grabbing Hana by the arm, "I think we should go for a drive. Don't you?"

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