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With a gun pointed at Seunho, Hana felt a rush of adrenaline making her body feel less sore. Her eyes never left the mans sweaty and bright red face stared back, still holding Hana's leggings in his hands.

"You've just made a very stupid mistake, bitch. If you shoot me, you are as good as dead," Seunho snapped.

"Where is Jooheon?"

"You think I'd tell some bitch like you?"

"Don't forget that this bitch has a gun pointed at your face," Hana said, "Whether I die or not, Jooheon will die before I do. So, are you going to tell me where he is or do I have to make you tell me?"

Seunho laughed, sweat dripping down his brow and he shook his head, "You don't scare me,"

"You don't have to be scared of me," Hana said, pressing the barrel against his throat, "You only need to be afraid of what I will do to you if you don't tell me where the fuck he is,"

Seunho paled slightly, "He isn't here. How do you think I got you out of that room?"

"Then let's go for a walk,"

Namjoon pushed the door open and was soaked instantly as the rain hammered down onto him. He ran his hand through his hair and kept a tight grip on his gun walking towards the place that held Hana.

Shownu opened the door for him, "Jooheon will be back soon. Changkyun managed to turn the cameras off and we got rid of everyone who was in our way,"

"Where is she?"

"About that," Shownu said and Namjoon cut his eyes towards him, "We don't know,"

"What do you mean, you don't know?" Yoongi asked.

"When we went to get her, the door was open and she was gone," Changkyun said, "I think she picked the lock,"

"Hana doesn't know how to pick a lock," Jungkook said, "Is Seunho still here?"

"We thought he went with Jooheon,"

"Then we know who let her out," Jin said, "I suppose he was more pissed that we took his daughter than I originally thought,"

"And Erin?" Jimin asked.

Shownu sighed, "She's comfortable,"

"Which means?"

"She's dying," Changkyun said quietly, "The last beating they both got was bad. Erin took a knock on the head. Hana has been looking after her and-"

"Why the fuck would she be looking after the girl? She tried to kill her,"

"I don't know. You'll have to ask her yourself but I'll take you to Jooheon's office," Shownu said, "It's just this way,"

"You won't get away with this," Seunho said as Hana pressed the gun harder into him, "When Jooheon gets back he will kill you and I will laugh as he does it,"

"As long as you die before me and he does, let him know kill me," Hana said calmly, "Turn the fuck around and get that fat, disgusting body moving,"

"You are only talking like this because you are holding a gun," Seunho said opening the door, "If you didn't, you'd be just a pussy bitch begging me not to fuck you too hard,"

Hana smirked, "I'd be waiting to beg. You'd have a hard enough time finding that dick of yours. Looks like you've put on some weight,"

"Shut the fuck up bitch,"

"While we walk, you can tell me why you attacked my friend,"

Seunho tutted, "I told you. I was after you but she was the easier target,"

"You made a mistake when you attacked her,"

"And what mistake would that be?"

"You didn't kill her," Hana said and as they approached a staircase, she rushed forward and shoved him down. He screamed out as he hit every step hard, yowling in pain when he hit the bottom.

Hana took her time as she walked down and she stared at him holding onto his bleeding knee. The bone now poking out his skin and leg facing the wrong way. There was a cut across his forehead and bruises slowly starting to form on the bare skin he had on show.

Hana shook her head slightly and squatted beside him poking the gun into his knee, making Seunho scream. Hana chuckled slightly.

"Oh dear," She said, "Why are you screaming like a little girl? I thought you were a man,"

"Y-you fucking b-bitch!" He cried out, "I'll fucking k-kill you!"

"You'll have to catch me first and with that knee you have no chance," Hana said standing up, "To be honest with you Seunho, I wasn't expecting your knee to look like that. But I guess your overweight, disgusting body just couldn't take the weight anymore. I feel bad for your wife every time you had sex with her. How did you not suffocate her?"

Seunho cried loudly, tears streaming down his face as he gripped his thigh tightly. Hana sighed through her nose and stepped over him heading towards one of the doors.

"I'll be back for you," She said, "Try not to die while I have a wander around,"

"He's g-going to fucking k-kill you!"

"He can try," Hana winced as she lifted her arm to open the door, "I'm tougher than people think. I have an idea, Seunho. Maybe you can crawl into the kitchen and make me a sandwich. I'm feeling hungry and since you scream like a little bitch, it's only fitting for you to do it,"

"I w-wish I never m-missed,"

Hana paused and turned to look at him, "What are you talking about?"

Seunho let out a strangled laugh, "The day Wonho got shot. I wish I never missed,"

Hana felt her blood ran cold, "What?"

"Do you want to know the reason Wonho died?"

Hana stepped forward and put her foot on the bone poking from his knee. He let out a high pitch scream and wriggled around trying to get away from her.

"Start. Talking," Hana said barely above a whisper.

"Fuck!" Seunho yelled, "H-he was onto me! He knew I-I was working f-for Jooheon! I had to g-get rid of h-him and I also t-tried to kill you but I f-fucking missed!"

Hana blinked away her tears and felt her body start to shake. She swallowed the lump in her throat and stepped away from Seunho, catching her heel on the upturned carpet. She dropped to the floor and lost her grip on the gun, her shock taking over.

Seunho grunted loudly as he rolled onto his side and snatched the gun from the floor pointing it at Hana.

"Time to die, bitch," Seunho said, laughing loudly.

Warm tears fell from Hana's eyes as she closed her eyes and she felt her body relax, accepting her fate.

A/N: ignore any mistakes it's almost 3am. Enjoy the cliffhanger <3

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Stay weird hoes <33

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