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"Come on Pix, you know you can tell me anything. What's got you worried?"

Pixie looked at Jacob with a nervous smile and a quivering lower lip.

"Jacob, I, I'm-"

A soft melody interrupted Pixie, the tune was sad and tortured; it was hideous and of great sorrow. It was as if the music itself had been brought to them on the wind. It sang them the plea of a desperate Pokémon.

"Please, help me."

Jacob stepped defensively in front of Pixie. He growled and looked around confusedly. "Who are you?" He demanded.

The wind sang again.

"Jacob the human, you are the only one who can help. The natural disasters you must stop them. You must stop him."

"Who are you? Who is 'him'? What natural disasters?" Jacob shouted.

"Travel beyond the mountains in Southern Ardua, discover Fogbound Lake atop the Great Plateau. Find the Being of Knowledge, find Uxie, perhaps she has the answers needed to avert the crisis."

"I don't understand! What's happening?" Pixie cried.

The voice was silent a long time before it spoke again.

"Natural disasters will wreak havoc upon world. The planet will collapse. Billions will die. You must stop this. You must find Uxie. I'm sorry, I must leave. I wish you luck, and I beg you, save our world."

The music faded, and the world was silent, but it wasn't still. At that moment a powerful earthquake struck. Jacob and Pixie stumbled but stayed standing as rocks fell from the cliff and Pokémon screeched in the forest. When the earthquake stopped Jacob looked at Pixie, he could see she was scared. He smiled at his mate, nuzzled her and placed his forehead against hers. They both closed their eyes and Jacob whispered.

"What do you say, one last adventure?"

Pixie smiled. "Only one?" She asked.

"Only one."

"Okay then but promise me something."


"Make my life one big adventure."

"It would be my pleasure."

Pixie nuzzled her mate before stepping back and smiling at him. "Alright then, let's go find Glair and Tertle. We're gonna need help if I'm to save your sorry ass again."

Jacob laughed at her and shook his head. "I suppose you're right."

"I'm always right, you'd do well to remember that."

Jacob laughed again. "Well you're always right for me."

Pixie blushed, Jacob licked her forehead and they ran into the forest in search of Glair and Tertle. Old heroes would rise again, and they would fight one last time. Then perhaps finally, their tale will see the happy ending it so deserves, but happiness isn't cheap.

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