Chapter 12:

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Jacob and Pixie opened their eyes slowly as the bright light settled to a dim mixture of dark blues and dim purples. Pixie gasped at the incredible colours swirling around her, it was a magnificent sight. Lunala flew smoothly, only occasionally flapping her wings to stay aloft.

Around them balls of light formed small vacuums into unknown worlds. Lunala swerved around each wormhole and kept flying.

"Eevee, each of those wormholes is the entrance to another world. You must keep an eye out for your world," said Lunala as she circled around the variety of exit points.

"Lunala," Pixie said in quiet awe. "All of these are other universes?"

"Correct. Welcome to the multiverse."

At this point Jacob lost it. "What the shit!?" (To crossover or not to crossover, that is the question)

"Yes. All these universes are different versions of each other. They all face their own difficulties, those with heroes survive, but when Pokémon refuse to step up people get hurt. See that one?"

Lunala flew straight towards a wormhole before veering to the left. Her eyes glowed and she looked in the wormhole pulling out a picture and showing Pixie and Jacob.

"That world is dying, but within it a small spark of hope exists."

The hole swirled and showed a Riolu and an Eevee standing side by side. Eevee held Riolu's paw and they smiled at the sun setting over a golden beach. The scene shifted and showed a Chikorita. Beside the Chikorita stood Totodile. (Team Eve: Book Two?)

Lunala flew towards another warp-point and did the same thing. This time they saw the earth, darkness slowly spread across it while the light seemed to be sucked from the sun. The vision zoomed in upon the earth until it showed a Rockruff. The Rockruff cast three shadows against the cliff at his back. A trial stood before him.

Lunala stopped flying and floated in front of the wormhole; staring intently into it. Jacob and Pixie grew uncomfortable with the legendry's silence.

"Lunala, what's happening?" Jacob asked worriedly.

Lunala seemed to snap out of a trance-like state and flew away from the hole.

"Nothing, I was merely intrigued."

"By?" Jacob asked curiously.

"That world, it is turning to Dust."

Lunala kept flying and they kept searching until finally Jacob peered into a wormhole and found what he was looking for.

"Lunala, it's that one! Fly into that one!"

Jacob closed his eyes, held Pixie tight and they dove through the wormhole. Again, they shielded their eyes from a bright flash and...


Jacob groaned as he sat up. His left arm hanging limply was twisted at an awkward angle. Broken fore-leg equals broken arm apparently. A killer headache split his skull and he waited for it to settle. After what felt like hours the pounding settled into a dull throbbing. Jacob opened his eyes and looked down. He was human again. He was dressed in the same clothes he'd been wearing when he'd left. Denim jeans, a plain blue T-shirt.

Standing up shakily Jacob ran a hand through his hair and looked around. He was home. The shutters were closed, and the lights were off; it was dark and cold in the house. Stumbling to the windows Jacob ripped the blinds open and blinked as sunlight flooded his eyes. When his eyes adjusted he opened them again and checked the room a second time. It looked like everything had gone according to plan, but... where was Pixie?

"Pixie! Pixie, where are you?!" Jacob shouted in panic.

"Jacob, help!"

Jacob didn't think, he just ran in the direction of Pixie's voice, although he did fall at first. It wouldn't take him long but apparently it might take a moment to remember how to walk. Jacob slowly stood up and found his balance. Wow, this isn't his old body. It looked the same, but now it's rippling with muscle. Must be from all that Eevee exercise.

"Jacob, hurry up!" Pixie shouted from somewhere within the house.

Jacob hurried in the direction of Pixie's voice. He hobbled into his mother's old room and froze at what he saw. Before him on the ground sat a girl. Bed sheets had been spilled across her naked body and shielded her indecency from view. She looked about the age of eighteen and had brilliant red hair.

Upon seeing the girl Jacob abruptly turned out of the room and stood in the hallway by the entrance. "Who the hell are you?!" Jacob shouted, confused and angry.

"Are you freaking kidding me?! It's me!" The girl shouted in an annoyed tone.

Jacob slowly walked back into the room. The girl wore a huffy face and looked annoyed.


"Duh. Now, how the hell do you use these legs?" Pixie tried to stand, only to fall on her butt.

"Uh... right. Okay, then, here." Jacob helped Pixie stand, careful not to drop the sheets. He sat her on the bed before searching through the draws and pulling out an assortment of clothing. Jacob placed the clothes on the bed beside Pixie.

"Right, just take your time. Get used to your legs. Get dressed. If you need a hand give me a shout. I'm going to look for Lunala."

Jacob hurriedly walked from the room and clapped his good hand over his mouth. As much as he loved Pixie this was gonna take a minute to wrap his head around. Jacob slowly walked through the house. He walked to the medicine cabinet and took some pain-killers. The tablets would eventually start to lessen the pain in his arm, but he would have to get it looked at sooner or later.

"Lunala! Lunala, are you here?" Jacob called as he walked through the house.

"Cos Cos!"

Jacob turned at the strange sound and saw a little ball of what looked like space nebulae floating towards him.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me," Jacob exclaimed as the Cosmog danced happily before him.

"Um, Jacob?"

Jacob turned at the sound of Pixie's voice. In the doorway stood a gorgeous young girl wearing an immaculate floral dress that fell to her knees. Her red-hair hung loosely around her waist. Her brown eyes shone like amber, and her red lips parted into an awkward yet brilliant smile.

"You look beautiful," Jacob told her.

Pixie blushed and walked forwards unsteadily. "Thanks, I'm still getting used to these legs though. Where's Lunala?"

Jacob gestured at Cosmog. "Pixie, meet Cosmog, the pre-evolved form of Lunala."

Pixie scratched Cosmog under the chin and the gas cloud giggled.

"Cosmog? I think you look more like a... Debby," said Pixie.

Jacob gave Pixie a deadpan stare. Pixie raised her hands innocently. "What's wrong with Debby?"

Jacob sighed. "We're going to have to talk about names."

"Agreed. The question is how many?" Pixie looked to her belly, it was only slightly protrusive: They were lucky, she was nowhere near to giving birth.

Jacob disappeared into the house and came back with; four socks, two pairs of shoes, his phone, which had been conveniently left on charge, and a backpack. Holding the bag open towards Cosmog Jacob said; "Debby, get in the bag." (Watch out Nebby. Debby coming to steal your thunder)

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