Chapter 1: Jacob

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We had easily found Glair and Tertle, the earthquake had awoken them both and they were together when we came across them. We had started walking and Glair was itching for answers, she was literally bouncing with curiosity.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Fogbound Lake. All we know is that it's a lake hidden beyond the mountain range in southern Ardua," I answered.

"Why are we going there?"

"To find Uxie," I answered again.

"Who's Uxie?"

"A legendary Pokémon."

"Why are we looking for Uxie?"

"Because Glair, Uxie is really smart and knows lots of stuff, and probably knows the answer to the next question you're going to ask."

"You mean Uxie knows if I'll find a mate and one day be as happy as you and Pixie are?"

I froze and looked at the Gligar. Her big goofy smile, large purple eyes, she was giving nothing away. Was it possible that Glair was... lonely? (Should Glair get mate? Yay or nay? Hm...)

"Okay, let's go! To Fogbound Lake!" Glair cheered.

Tertle chuckled and shook his head, the Carracosta followed the Gligar. I laughed and looked to Pixie who smiled back. We kept walking through the forest, onwards to Southern Ardua.

"What do you think we'll find at Fogbound lake?" Pixie asked nervously.

"Answers I hope," I replied.

Pixie was looking at the ground as we walked, she was quiet and solemn, it was starting to bug me. "You okay Pix?" I asked gently.

Pixie flinched as if someone had struck her. "N-no, I mean, yeah, yes, I'm fine."

Man, it was obvious something was bothering her, I wish she'd just tell me already. After walking for a while, I noticed Pixie was slowing down. She was falling behind and breathing heavily, this was new. She's fitter than me and I was fine. Something wasn't right, and it was driving me crazy. "Hey, why don't we break for a while?" I suggested.

Tertle sat down heavily. Pixie sighed in relief and lay against a tree-trunk, I sat next to her and she moved closer before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep. Glair was dancing around humming quietly. I closed my eyes and drank in the warm sunlight. The heat was refreshing on my fur, it was so peaceful...


Seriously? Who the hell is screaming? An Emolga flew past waving its arms wildly. It crashed hard into a tree before sinking to the ground.

Pixie woke up. "Uh, what's happening?" She asked concerned.

"That was awesome! Do it again!" Glair shouted at the dazed Emolga.

I groaned. "Ugh, nothing. Go back to sleep."

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