Chapter 14: Jacob

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I drove towards town. Pixie sat in the passenger seat and Debby sat happily on her lap. As we entered an intersection Cosmog danced and pointed to the left. I turned left. I'd already had this conversation with Pixie several times, but I still couldn't quite understand it.

"So, Cosmog can sense Arceus' energy which means he is somewhere in this world and she's basically a living Arceus locator."

Pixie sighed. "Yes Jacob, as I told you before, Debby can sense Arceus' energy and can track him. Which is why she landed on this continent and your mental connection to your home is why we landed there."

I mean, Lunala being psychic-type I guess it made sense, but it seemed awfully convenient. (Hey! Engineering the plot to make that work was hard!) Oh well, good luck I guess. (...)

"Okay then," I muttered as I continued to follow Cosmog's directions. "I still think we should discuss names."

"I'm happy too, just not Debby's. Debby is Debby and that's final."

I sighed but remained silent; once Pixie got like this there was no arguing with her.

"For boys I like the names; Andrew, Ethan, Tom, Tyler and Timothy. For girls I think; Gwen, Piper, Bambi and Mari," said Pixie.

I gave Pixie an incredulous glance. "How many kids you got in there? Do I get to choose any of the names?"

"No. If you choose we'll end up with kids that have names like Lavender."

I scoffed. "What's wrong with Lavender?"

"It's dumb."

"Lavender is a very pretty flower."

"I'll burn your flowers to a crisp."

I laughed. "You and what Flamethrower?"

She growled at my jibe. "I may not be able to use fire-type moves but there's plenty of other things I can do."

"Like?" I chuckled.

"Tackle. Pound. Scratch. Bite." I could tell she was serious and decided to heed her threat, until she named one last move. "Oh, I almost forgot my biggest asset. Attract."

I laughed loudly and gave her a disbelieving look (Eyes on the road please!). She drew back into her chair, made her eyes big and seemed to shrink in on herself. She pouted her lips and wore a look of sad helplessness.

I stopped laughing and instead gulped awkwardly. She noticed the effect her display had. "It's super-effective," she said in an announcer's voice.

We both laughed as I continued driving. Cosmog started bouncing around the car, making excited squeaking noises.

"We must be close," Pixie said.

She was right. A few more turns and we arrived at a large grey building. I found a park outside. Cosmog started going crazy as she bashed into the car's windows attempting to get closer to the building. I saw the sign and groaned.

"What? What is it?" Pixie asked.

I gave her a grim smile. "It's the police station."


Pixie sat on a lounge in the waiting space. In her lap was the bag in which Debby hid impatiently. I approached the front desk and grabbed the attention of the receptionist.

"Excuse me? Hi. I was looking for a man named Arceus, do you know if he's here?"

The receptionist looked perplexed; she obviously didn't recognize the name. Nonetheless she searched through a pile of papers. She began shaking her head. "Sorry. If he's here, he hasn't been processed yet. I don't know anything."

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