Chapter 3: Pixie

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I awoke to find Jacob curled against my side. He was so warm, and his fur was fluffy, it was quite comfortable. Across the clearing Tertle lay asleep in his shell. Glair was talking quietly to an Emolga who I didn't recognise, wait, that's not right. Just before I fell asleep he'd shown up, I think he'd crashed into a tree.

Ow! I looked at my stomach and rolled my eyes, damn this thing was annoying. I looked at Jacob, he was sleeping so peacefully, how was I supposed to tell him? I was lost in thought when I realised that he was awake, he had one eye open and was watching. I couldn't help but laugh.

"That's creepy. You know that, right?" I asked teasingly.

Laughing, he sat up and nuzzled me. "You're beautiful, you know that, right?"

"Oh, I must've forgotten, could you remind me more often?"

"Haha, sure thing."

"Ugh, I think I'm gonna vomit," Ace exclaimed loudly, he began making disgusting sounds and pretending to throw-up.

Jacob didn't look happy. "Real mature Ace."

"Ace?" I asked confused. Jacob just shook his head and gave me a look that said; 'Don't ask'.

"Well, time we get going," Jacob said as he stretched and stood up. I sighed inwardly, would we ever be allowed to live peacefully?

Jacob woke up Tertle, the large Carracosta yawned mightily. "You young'uns, always in a rush," he complained.

Jacob rolled his eyes. "Come on, we've gotta get going. Time-sensitive mission remember?"

"I'm much older than you and need my naps, remember?"

"Tertle, you're old, that doesn't change the fact that you could lay out most Pokémon in a fight. You're strong for your age."

"You know it, I could still put you over my knee if you're not careful." Tertle sounded dead-serious. Jacob gave him a concerned look.

"Okay... let's go!"

Jacob waited for everyone to get up and we started walking. It was early morning and the sun was rising, we were deep in the forest and Pokémon began to awaken around us. However, more than Pokémon woke up... I stopped walking and sniffed the air, my ears swivelled as I listened intently. Somewhere close by a twig snapped. A Human.

"Run!" I shouted. I took off and everyone trailed close behind me. Mind you, the heavy footfalls of a Carracosta aren't exactly quiet.

A young boy of about nine years intercepted our path. "An Eevee!" He screamed excitedly. He pulled a Poké-ball from his pocket and he threw it. Jacob leapt and using Iron Tail he hit the ball back at the boy. It him and he started crying loudly. We changed course and continued running.

A sudden rockfall blocked our path, I heard a shout and saw that one of the rocks had landed on Jacob. We turned around and standing ready was a boy of about seventeen, beside him stood a Gabite.

"Gabite, use Brick Break!" The boy shouted.

Gabite ran forwards and brought his hand down hard on Jacob. The boy threw a ball and hit Jacob on the side. There was a flash of red. The ball hit the ground, it flashed and rocked and clicked.

The boy picked it up and walked towards the crying child, he gave the ball to him. "Here you go little bro!"

The young boy cheered, and the pair walked away. I can't believe what had just happened... Jacob's gone. (And... the end!)

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