Chapter 20:

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Arceus, Pixie, Jacob, Tim and Rosie stood on the veranda of Jacob's home. Earlier in the evening they'd collected Jacob's car and dropped the trio at Jacob's home.

"Well, thanks for a great night." Jacob said as he hugged Tim. In turn he hugged Rosie.

"No worries, you should drop by every now and then, or at least call just to say you're still alive."

Jacob chuckled. "Sorry about that."

Pixie stepped forward and hugged first Rosie, then Tim. "It was awesome to see you again."

"Again?" Tim asked.

"Um, sorry. Jacob talks about you so much it just felt like I already knew you both before today, but it was nice to meet you in person."

Tim laughed as he slugged Jacob in the arm. "You old softie." There was a happy silence as the friends said their goodbyes. Tim hugged Jacob again. "See ya round brother."

Tim walked towards his car and Rosie followed. Tim opened the driver's door and went to get in behind the wheel, but before he could Jacob called out.


Tim replied with a raised eyebrow.

Jacob flicked him two fingers in the form of a wave. "Catch you on the flip side."

Tim smiled. "I'll meet you there."

"I'll be waiting."

Tim started the car and drove away leaving Jacob, Pixie and Arceus standing on the porch of the old house.

"Shall we go?" Arceus asked.

Jacob nodded. "Just a sec."

Locking up the house Jacob taped a spare key to the roofing rafters; Tim knew where it was. Jacob left an envelope addressed to Tim and Rosie on the kitchen table. If they ever needed help in life perhaps the letter's contents could do what was needed. He doubted he'd be coming back here. Tim and Rosie, he was gonna miss those two.

Walking into the backyard Jacob saw Pixie and Arceus. In front of them Cosmog was dancing happily all the while making strange baby noises. Jacob watched Cosmog a moment, then shot Pixie a concerned look. She looked nervous.

"Don't worry. I'm sure our children won't be like... that," she said.

Jacob sighed and shook his head. "Alright, let's go gang."

Arceus nodded. "Cosmog-"

"Her name's Debby," Pixie interrupted.

Arceus shook his head. "I'm her father. I named her Cosmog and I refuse to call her Debby. Now, Cosmog, take us home."

Debby kept dancing, she didn't even give him a second look. Arceus groaned as Pixie smiled a smug and triumphant smirk. Bending over, Pixie looked Cosmog in the eye.

"Debby, we need to get home. Will you please help us?"

"Cos! Mog-cos!"

Debby started glowing. There was a flash of light and they were all momentarily blinded. When they could see again, they found themselves flying on Lunala's back through the, uh, multiverse. (What have I done...)

Lunala shivered violently. "Well that was... interesting," she said.

"Fun," Pixie corrected.

"Lunala, take us home," Arceus commanded.

"Actually dad, my name's Debby now."

Arceus face-palmed. The return flight felt significantly shorter than the trip there. Jacob was just pondering that; how the return trip always feels quicker. But this time it didn't just feel quicker, it was.

"Something's wrong," Debby announced. "The flight back was too fast. It should've taken longer."

"So?" Arceus questioned. He may be creator of the Pokémon world but apparently, he had very little knowledge of anything outside his own universe.

Lunala sighed. "So, the two universes are drawing closer to each other. If they continue like this, they'll collide. Dveryone and everything in both universes... will die."

Jacob groaned. "Nothing's ever easy."

"Hang on tight, we're going in!" Lunala shouted.

They dove through the wormhole and back into the Pokémon world. Light flashed harshly before their eyes. Jacob searched blindly until he found Pixie's hand. He clutched it tight and gave it a gentle squeeze.


"Okay, I'm never doing that again." Jacob groaned as he sat up. Looking around Jacob found himself in a forest. He had no idea where they were. "Pixie? Pixie, where are you?"

Jacob heard a bark and looked in her direction. The little Vulpix was lying on the ground. She looked weak and tired. Jacob crawled towards her and gently stroked her cheek.

"It's okay Pix, I'm here."

Pixie's eyes opened; she backed away rapidly and began barking frantically.

"Pixie calm down! It's me! It's me Pix!" Jacob madly waved his hands in front of his face. Wait... hands? Jacob stood and pat himself all over. He fell on his backside. This didn't make any sense; he was back in the Pokémon world, but he was still human.

Jacob walked cautiously towards Pixie. He gently picked her up and she nuzzled his cheek. Jacob scratched her behind the ear, making her purr.

"Arceus!" Shouted Jacob.

Arceus suddenly appeared before them. His massive form was much more intimidating than his human body. Jacob didn't flinch.

"What gives? Why am I human?"

Arceus groaned as if he were sick of Jacob. "I told you earlier. You're just a boy playing at being a Pokémon. Pretending to be a hero. You're not one of us."

"Says who?"


"Screw you! Arceus you make me an Eevee. Do it now!"

"I healed your broken arm is that not enough?"

"Arceus please... Pixie... she needs me. My kids are gonna need me."

"Arh," Pixie barked quietly.

Arceus sighed. "You did good kid. You can rest now. I'll take it from here."

Arceus galloped through the air. A ring of golden light opened in the sky and Arceus vanished through the portal. Jacob was left dumbstruck. Pixie nudged his hand, but he didn't respond.


Hearing his name Jacob turned. Floating behind him was Lunala. "I don't know why Arceus won't make you an Eevee again, but he's right. This isn't your fight. You've done everything you can. You did good."

Jacob clutched Pixie tightly against his chest. "But... I promised her... no excuses."

Debby looked on Jacob with pity. "Come. I'll take you to your friends."

Jacob climbed onto Debby's back. She flew away into the night sky. Using her psychic powers Lunala located who she was looking for. She soared through the air, headed for Madeira Desert.

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