Chapter 7: Jacob

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After searching the base of the tower, we found a way inside and began climbing. It was oddly shaped, sharp rock walls contrasted the smooth floor. The tower was a maze of pathways and dangerous drops that slowly led upwards. 

Our pace slowed when the whole tower shook, wobbling to and fro under a powerful earthquake. The tower seemed to sway, and rocks began falling but eventually the shaking settled, and we continued. I won't bore you with the details of our gruelling trek but know that by the time we reached the top the moon was high in the sky.

We exited the cave into a clearing surrounded by high rock walls. A single path led forwards and we continued down it until the earthen corridor opened outwards, forming a crossroads.

"Which way?" Pixie asked, looking to me.

"Beats me."

"This way."

I whipped around and found Uxie floating beside us. She was gesturing to continue further along the path. She floated away, and we followed.

"Uxie. We've come to ask you some questions."


"We were sent to find you."

"By who?"

"We don't know, we were hoping you could tell us."

"I will try."

I breathed deeply and thought about all that was happening. I took a moment to collect my thoughts before launching into my explanation.

"This Vulpix and I were standing on Sharpedo Bluff when we heard music."


"Yes music. It was a quiet tune, sad and full of sorrow. Next, we heard a voice. It was female, quiet but piercing. It told us that we had to stop the natural disasters. That we had to save the world, and that we had to stop him. Uxie, what's happening to our world?"

"Our world... is falling apart."

"Falling apart? What do you mean?"

"It's collapsing. Worlds tend to do that when the one that governs them disappears."

"The one that governs? Arceus is... missing?"



"If we knew that he wouldn't be missing."

"I suppose you're right."

"Uxie," Pixie spoke up, "how can we stop the world's collapse?"

"Only Arceus can save this world."

"Well, crap," she said. "Any ideas how we find Arceus?"

No one said anything, then I got an idea. "Uxie, do you know anything about the music I described before?"

"No. I don't know anything of it."

"We came all this way for answers and all we know is that Arceus is missing..."

I sounded downhearted, I felt it too. That time with Zeraora everything happened so quickly, I didn't know what was going on. This time I know that the world is collapsing, and I have no way to stop it.

"I'm sorry I can't help. I can assure you all legendaries are trying their hardest to locate Arceus."

"Surely he should be easy to find," said Tertle. "Legendary Pokémon are powerful; their strength can be sensed by others. Can't you locate Arceus' energy signature?"

I had no idea what Tertle was saying so I just looked at Uxie hopefully; she shook her head. "We've tried that. Arceus has completely vanished."

All our heads dropped in disbelief, what could we do?

"I'm sorry," Uxie apologised again. "Please, you may rest here as long as you like. Follow me."

Uxie began floating further down the path and we followed her wearily. I hadn't realised it before, but I'm tired. So tired. We continued walking and passed through a quiet forest. It was small, open and beautiful. We emerged at the edge of the forest and found ourselves on a small beach overlooking a breathtaking view.

"Welcome." Uxie smiled. "To Fogbound Lake."

The sight was magnificent. The clearest lake lay open before us, it was huge. Stars twinkled overhead and smiled on the lake. Illumise and Volbeat danced like fireworks through the night sky. From the centre of the lake spouted an incredible fountain. The fountain reflected all the colours that shone upon it and the mist created hundreds of tiny rainbows across the lake. It was so beautiful. I looked at Pixie. So beautiful.

It's funny how something so simple can become a moment so precious. It's as if the beauty of our world is hidden in plain sight. We never see it until we really look, and when we do look, magic happens. Our world is full of wonder and hope, it's survived everything it's been through thus far, and it ain't going anywhere.

"Everyone get comfortable. Tonight, we'll rest here. Tomorrow... yeah, I got nothing. Sorry, no inspirational speeches tonight, but tomorrow we'll do something."

Pixie laughed. "Good enough for me."

I watched the lake a moment longer. To think, in a second, all of this could be gone. How strange that it took me this long to work it out. Nothing in life is certain, we all die, we could be here one moment and gone the next. In that case shouldn't we make the most of every day rather than wallow in the memory of past days or drown in the fear of future days?

I turned and looked to my friends. Tertle lay sleeping near the water's edge. Pixie was lying near the tree-line, waiting for me to join her. Ace and Glair were snuggled up in a tree, time for some revenge. I walked over and plopped myself down beside Pixie.

"Glair and Ace sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love, next comes marriage, then comes kids in the baby carriage!" I sang.

"Shut it!" Ace shouted. Glair just laughed, and laughed, and laughed. She laughed for a long time. Ace rolled his eyes. "She's warm and comfy, that's all."

"Whatever you say Ace." I chuckled.

Pixie laughed and nuzzled me. "Leave them alone. You've got me to worry about."

"Don't forget them."

"Leave Glair and Ace alone already!"

I laughed. "Not them." I gestured at Pixie's underside. "I meant them."

"Y-you know!?" She exclaimed blushing fiercely.

"That you're pregnant? Yes."

Pixie looked at the ground. "How long?"

"Not too long. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I tried to, then all this happened, and I got so scared and worried and-"

"Pixie." She stopped talking and looked at me. "We're gonna be okay. We always are."

She smiled weakly. "Yeah, I know."

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