Chapter 9: Jacob

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"Where are they? Where? Find them now!"

I awoke to the distant shouting and shook my head clear. That was a mistake; bouts of pain instantly coursed through my brain. After a moment the pain settled to a dull thud that echoed in the back of my skull. Coughing through the thick dust I opened my eyes and found Pixie unconscious in my forelegs.

"Pixie," I croaked hoarsely. "Pixie wake up. Please wake up. Come on you have to wake up. You can't leave me now. Not yet. We're so close Pix, to our peaceful life in Sharpedo Bluff. Please wake up."

Pixie coughed and opened her eyes. I smiled weakly at her. "Good morning gorgeous."

"Jacob! Pixie!" Tertle called.

"Ov-over here!" I stuttered.

"Oh, thank goodness," Tertle muttered as he found us.

"Where are Glair and Ace?"

"They're safe. They're on their way."

"Good." I coughed a little more and tried to stand. I shouted in pain as I placed weight on my front left leg.

"Jacob what's wrong?" Tertle asked concerned.

"My leg's broken."

"Damn. You really know how to pick your moments."

I looked at Tertle in disbelief. Yes, I chose to break my leg. Yes, I wanted this to happen. It's all going according to plan. No, this is not because we just fell 500 metres whilst rocks spun wildly in every direction.

"Come on. I've got you." Tertle gently slid his fins under my belly and lifted me up. I winced in pain as my leg fell limply but I refused to show my discomfort.

"Glair! Ace! I found them! Over here!" Tertle bellowed. Moments later an Emolga and a Gligar landed nearby, but they weren't the only ones who'd heard Tertle's shout.

An Ursaring picked his way through the rubble. Flanking behind and beside him were heaps of Pokémon. Most had a scratch or bruise and were bleeding in some way. Ursaring growled at Pixie and me.

"Hand over the Eevee and Vulpix," he demanded.

I couldn't see Tertle's face but the way his muscles tensed had me worried. Tertle handed me off to Glair. She draped me like a cape over her back and held me in place using her tail like a belt.

"What quarrel do you have with them?" Tertle asked cautiously as he placed himself between us and the legion of forest Pokémon. Ursaring roared.

"What quarrel? They brought down Fogbound lake, the secret and sacred treasure of our home! They killed many in the collapse of the plateau and they destroyed our home. Have you forgotten the warning about them?!"

"I'm afraid you're mistaken. These two aren't responsible for the lake's collapse and I'm not familiar with the warning you speak of," Tertle replied evenly.

"It's you whose mistaken old timer! Uxie told me. They're the ones. Hand them over. Now."

Tertle grunted as he turned. He smiled sadly at us. Pixie, Glair, Ace and me, he picked us up and cradled us in his huge arms. (Arms now? Heck!) He smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry old friends. Glair, now's the time."

Glair's face dropped, she was scared.

"Tertle I can't. I'm not ready yet. I still need you."

"Oh Glair, you were ready long ago. I'm sorry for holding onto you for so long."

A tear fell from Glair's eyes. Clearly I was missing something, but still, even I could tell something was about to go down.

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