Chapter 6: Jacob

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We wandered through the forest, it was eerily quiet, and something felt off. It was as if the world was holding its breath. The only moving things were the small streams which flowed through the forest. We followed the streams back to their source, intent on discovering Fogbound Lake and Uxie.

I was walking with my head up surveying everything around, all I could see was trees, trees and more trees. I took another step still not watching where I was walking, my foot didn't meet the ground. I fell.

The water was bitterly cold. "It's freezing!" I shouted as I leapt from the icy pond.

I stood shivering. Tertle chuckled, Glair and Ace outright laughed while Pixie struggled to stifle her giggles. I glared at them. I struggled to shake the water from my fur. Damp hair clung to me like a wet blanket.

Only now did I notice the body of water in front of me; even this close it was well-hidden by the fog. Pixie gave me a sly smile and approached. "You make a handsome mop."

"So I've heard."

She began nuzzling me and I immediately felt warmer, the heat from her fur quickly dried me out and I sighed happily. She giggled at me. I didn't care.

"Welcome travellers to Fogbound Lake," said a soft voice. We all searched wildly for the source of the voice. A Swanna glided across the lake surface towards us, she was graceful and held her head high. "I am the guardian of Fogbound Lake," said Swanna.

"No, you aren't," Tertle replied. "This isn't Fogbound Lake."

"What makes you say that?" Swanna replied curiously.

"The guardian of Fogbound lake is Uxie, you are not she. Also, this isn't a lake, it's more of a puddle."

"Uh Tertle." I began. "This looks like a lake to me."

"Except it isn't." Tertle replied. "It's a puddle which feeds the streams in the forest. The source of the water is up there."

Tertle pointed his fin upwards and I followed it with a curious glance. Needless to say, nothing could be seen through the fog. "What are you seeing that I'm not?"

Tertle didn't answer, he just fixed Swanna with a determined gaze, she smiled at him.

"You are correct. This is not Fogbound Lake and I am not the guardian of the lake. However, Uxie did ask me to stay here and protect her home. Here lies the secret to finding the lake. Uxie, the being of Knowledge decrees that only those of great knowledge should visit her secret treasure."

I don't understand how Tertle figured that out but good on him. "Swanna, what must we do to get to Fogbound Lake?"

"One of you must pass a simple test."

"Okay, what's the test?"

"The test is different for all who attempt it and for those of the greatest strength it oft proves the most difficult."

Well that was dramatic. I swallowed, braced myself and stared defiantly. "I'm ready for your test."

"Good luck."

Swanna's words rang in my ears as my vision blurred and my eyes slowly closed. I fainted.


I opened my eyes drearily, all around me stood high stone walls that were cool to the touch. The place smelt musty and old, it was surreal. This must be Uxie's test. I looked around, the walls stretched out and formed a long corridor in front of me, there was no going back. (Both literally and figuratively)

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