Chapter 19:

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Her small body was covered in bruises. She looked starved and heavy bags hung under her eyes. Her mouth quivered. Her lips trembled. She spoke in a small voice. "Run."

Glair shattered the chains imprisoning the Pokémon; she fell, and Glair caught her. Glair handed the smaller Pokémon to Ace and he cradled her gently. Glair grabbed Darkrai in her arms and began struggling towards the portal.

"Leaving already?" A menacing voice called out.

Glair didn't hesitate, she flung Darkrai's unconscious form across the room. He hit the portal and disappeared. Ace went to throw the other Pokémon through but suddenly Cresselia blocked his path. Floating above the basin in the middle of the room Cresselia wore a malicious grin.

Cresselia laughed evilly. "Well done. You were quicker than I expected, but it's pointless. You've lost. This time help isn't coming."

The water beneath Cresselia swirled and shot upwards soaking the legendary. An old Carracosta cocked his head curiously at the Gligar and the Emolga before him.

"I'm not too late, am I?"

Cresselia screamed in rage and threw a blade of psychic energy at Tertle. The attack bounced harmlessly off his sturdy shell. Tertle jumped from the water; landing protectively in front of Glair and Ace he stared at Cresselia.

"Again Cresselia? The first time we fought you because you wouldn't give us the prince's tear and now, you're kidnapping Pokémon? Get a hobby!"

Cresselia began to laugh, she laughed a long time and the atmosphere turned from tense to awkward. Eventually she stopped laughing and instead shot her foes a murderous glare.

"I do have a hobby; would you like to hear about it?"

"Well that depends, does it involve your evil plan?" Asked Tertle.

"Evil plan? Oh piffle, my plan isn't evil. It's righteous."

"Oh, well then, I would love to hear about it."

"Oh, if you insist. So, here's what I'm going to do; I'm going to recreate this universe." (Team Galactic is that you?)


"Well first I convinced Dialga and Palkia to help me. That part wasn't hard, they're quite gullible and very childish; like their father. Anyways, so now I had two thirds of the 'creation' trio, so I just needed the last part. Unfortunately, Giratina is cunning and powerful; much harder to corrupt than Palkia or Dialga. However, he does have one weakness. He is incredibly fond of that little Pokémon you have there. Her name is Meloetta. Her singing is one of the few things that can make him happy and they are incredibly close friends. Anyways, I held her hostage and bent Giratina to my will."

"That's sick," Ace spat.

"I prefer the term creative. (it is kinda cliché though) Now I had those three I used Palkia to send Arceus to a universe where he had no power; so he couldn't stop me. Since then I have been using the creation trio to draw the two universes towards each other. Soon this universe and the human one will collide. There will be an explosion of significant proportions and then I will create a universe similar to this one but with some key differences."

"This seems awfully complicated," said Tertle.

"It's only like this because my last plan didn't work."

"You're last one?"

"Oh, you remember; the one with Zeraora?"

"You caused that?"

"Well of course. Zeraora was filled with rage but he wasn't evil. He needed a little push. So, I exposed him to the Shadow Shard. I put the plan in his head, and he doesn't even know it. After I mastered my puppet, I came here to protect that which was needed to stop my plan."

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